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Parliamentary Committees
The Hon. CARMEL ZOLLO (15:31): My question is for the Minister for Industrial Relations. Will the minister provide the chamber with details of the fifth annual Safe Work Australia Awards that were presented at Parliament House in Canberra just recently?
The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY (Minister for Mineral Resources Development, Minister for Urban Development and Planning, Minister for Industrial Relations, Minister Assisting the Premier in Public Sector Management) (15:32): This year's annual Safe Work Awards acknowledged 36 finalists from across Australia in their efforts to reduce the number of deaths, injury and disease in Australian workplaces. More than 135,000 Australians are seriously injured at work each year and more than 260 die as result of work-related injuries. South Australian finalists earned their places in the national awards by virtue of their success at last year's state Safe Work Awards. These awards recognise important work that organisations and individuals are doing to make work health and safety a top priority in order to ensure everyone returns home safely.
I am pleased to advise that South Australia scooped the pool at the National Safe Work Awards, winning three of the six awards. GHD Australia won the category of Best Workplace Health and Safety Management System—Private Sector for its unique occupational health and safety management environment, which is integrated with the company's overall management systems.
Nicola Featherstone was honoured for the Best Individual Contribution to Workplace Health and Safety—without OHS experience. Nicola is a research officer in the School of Agriculture, Food and Wine at the University of Adelaide's Waite campus. When an audit highlighted the difficulties faced by the large number of staff and students from overseas and the frequent turnover of all laboratory users, Nicola produced with her own initiative and in her own time a resource folder to induct new staff and record training. Her initiative now involves 100 folders—one for every work group.
Glyn Williams won the award for Best Individual Contribution to Workplace Health and Safety—with OHS experience. As risk safety manager at Southern Cross Care, Glyn introduced a comprehensive OHS and injury management system, ensured that managers and supervisors have safety key performance indicators written into their job descriptions, and has enabled numerous practical improvements, including safe roof access for maintenance staff.
Fosters Coonawarra vineyard also received recognition at the national awards by being highly commended in the category Best Solution to an Identified Workplace Health and Safety Issue.
South Australia has a proud history of achievement at the national level, also collecting two awards last year. These winners highlight what can be accomplished with both an individual and organisation-wide commitment to looking after your workmates.
The search has begun again this year for workplace safety champions. Yesterday, I was delighted to officially launch the nomination process for this year's Safe Work Awards. To help aspiring entrants, the nomination process will be simpler and faster this year. An online application is being made available for the first time, which should speed up the nomination process. Information on the awards and the online nomination form can be found at
Safe Work Awards last year attracted a record 64 nominations compared with 43 nominations in 2008. This performance again underscores the reputation the awards have gained as a benchmark of best practice in workplace safety in this state. This year's awards categories are: Best Workplace Health and Safety Management System; Best Solution to an Identified Workplace Health and Safety Issue; Best Workplace Health and Safety Practice in Small Business; Best Individual Contribution to Workplace Health and Safety; Health and Safety Representative of the Year; Employer of the Year; and Best Public Event Safety.
Nominations are also open for the two Augusta Zadow Scholarships, worth up to $10,000 each, for projects in workplace safety that benefit women. A record 14 applications were received for these scholarships in 2009. Nominations for this year's award close at 5pm on Friday 30 July. Winners will be presented with their awards at a gala dinner on Friday 29 October at the Adelaide Event and Exhibition Centre, Goyder Pavilion, Wayville.
I encourage South Australians to nominate people they believe are worthy of recognition so that we can again acknowledge those who are working to make sure that our workplaces are a safe place.