Parliamentary Procedure
Parliamentary Procedure
Ministerial Statement
Parliamentary Committees
Question Time
Answers to Questions
Parliamentary Committees
The Hon. B.V. FINNIGAN (14:51): My question is to the Leader of the Government, the Minister for Urban Development and Planning. What is the government doing to support public space within the City of Adelaide, particularly as the 30-year plan seeks to attract more residents living in high and medium density housing?
The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY (Minister for Mineral Resources Development, Minister for Urban Development and Planning, Minister for Small Business) (14:52): I thank the honourable member for his very important question. This government aims, through the 30-Year Plan for Greater Adelaide, to increase the amount of residential accommodation within the central business district, including more affordable housing and also specialist housing for students and professionals. The 30-year plan also explores new opportunities to improve key public spaces, such as the Torrens River bank, Victoria Square and North Terrace.
We want to re-energise the parklands to increase their appeal and safety, especially where they adjoin residential areas within the city and the inner suburban fringe. The acceptance of apartment living within the CBD, balanced with access to public spaces that create a genuine sense of neighbourhood, has long been an accepted tradition in major cities such as New York. Quality public spaces are the key to the reinvigoration of our public life, as we have seen with the recent upgrades to North Terrace and Pulteney Street.
One other area that has already attracted attention is Hindmarsh Square, with two major developments under construction there, with Crown Plaza replacing the old Academy Cinema site, and a residential building adjacent to that. Of course, that follows the recent completion of the Conservatory building on the corner of Grenfell Street, on the old RAA site.
These developments are attracting a large residential and business component to Hindmarsh Square. Improvements to the quality of public space in Hindmarsh Square is important to encourage more people to use the open areas adjacent to these developments. The development of the Crown Plaza complex is the ideal time to upgrade these well known public spaces. That is why I have just approved a grant to the Adelaide City Council of $800,000 to assist the redevelopment of the north-east corner of Hindmarsh Square.
The upgrading of the area adjacent to the new Crown Plaza Hotel and apartments includes a new promenade, seating, plantings and shared-use pavement areas off Grenfell Street. The new promenade will also be a great venue for outdoor dining and seating near to the lawn areas of the north-east corner of Hindmarsh Square. A new feature will be an interactive artwork water feature to introduce an element of play into the landscape.
Adelaide City Council's planned upgrade should deliver additional quality open space in this part of the city. I should add that the $800,000 in funding for the north-east corner builds on the $220,000 Places for People grant, provided by the government in 2007, to redevelop the north-west corner of Hindmarsh Square.
The grant programs, under the Planning and Development Fund and the Open Space and Places for People grant programs, are available to South Australian councils to strategically plan, design and develop public and open spaces of community significance. This government has now provided more than $5million in grants this year from the Planning and Development Fund to support Adelaide City Council projects that will beautify key public spaces in the state's capital. These grants highlight how this government and Adelaide City Council are working effectively together to add value to Adelaide's premium cultural, civic and educational precincts.
I hope that the state government and the council can continue to work collaboratively to achieve the goals set out in the 30-year plan by growing the residential population within the city and providing high-class public spaces for residents and visitors to enjoy.