Legislative Council: Wednesday, July 15, 2009



The Hon. R.P. WORTLEY (16:07): I move:

That the 31st report of the committee, on the Northern and Yorke Natural Resources Management Board Levy Proposal 2009-10, be noted.

As I have previously stated in this place, one of the Natural Resources Committee's statutory obligations is to consider and make recommendations on any levy proposed by a natural resources management board where the increase exceeds the annual CPI rate. This obligation also extends to considering new levies where one has not been in place for the preceding financial year.

The 2009-10 levy proposal for the Northern and Yorke Natural Resources Management Board included a newly proposed division 2 water levy. In the previous two years, a division 2 levy was also proposed, but this committee recommended that it not be adopted on the basis of insufficient consultation and absence of a completed Water Allocation Plan, and this recommendation was subsequently agreed to by the minister.

It is the committee's default position that no division 2 levies will be approved for any NRM regions without an adopted Water Allocation Plan. This year, the committee heard that the Water Allocation Plan for the Clare Valley Prescribed Water Resources Area had been completed and adopted by the minister on 4 May 2009. With the finalisation of this new plan, and evidence of much improved community consultation around the board's regional NRM plan, members resolved not to object to the new division 2 water levy. No objection was made to the division 1 land based levy either, which displayed a modest increase per household.

Much of what I wanted to say regarding the committee's assessment of the levy proposal and its practices in visiting NRM regions has already been said in an earlier speech. However, I now take this opportunity to reiterate that this committee looks forward to the support of this parliament in being properly resourced to enable the kinds of activities that this committee relies on to make an informed decision regarding NRM boards and levy proposals. This committee discharges its statutory obligations seriously and considers proper resourcing integral to undertaking its responsibility in a considered and conscientious manner.

I thank all those who gave their time to assist the committee in its statutory obligation. Mr Mervyn Lewis, the Presiding Member, and Mrs Lynne Walden, the General Manager, both of the Northern and Yorke Natural Resources Management Board, appeared and gave evidence to the committee at Parliament House on 6 April 2009. I also commend the members of the committee, Mr John Rau, the Chairperson, the Hon. Graham Gunn MP, the Hon. Stephanie Key MP, the Hon. Caroline Schaefer MLC, the Hon. Lea Stevens MP and the Hon. David Winderlich MLC, for their contribution. All members of the committee have worked cooperatively throughout. Finally, I thank the committee staff for their assistance. I commend the report to the council.

Debate adjourned on motion of Hon. I.K. Hunter.