Parliamentary Procedure
Ministerial Statement
Question Time
Ministerial Statement
Question Time
Answers to Questions
Parliamentary Committees
In reply to the Hon. D.W. RIDGWAY (Leader of the Opposition) (2 December 2008).
The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY (Minister for Mineral Resources Development, Minister for Urban Development and Planning, Minister for Small Business) (00:00): The Minister for Agriculture, Food and Fisheries has provided the following information:
I can confirm that there is a clear arms length relationship between PIRSA's minerals regulatory authority and Rural Solutions SA consulting services.
I can further confirm that Rural Solutions SA operates as a business entity within PIRSA and does not have access to any confidential information or Departmental files on mining operators, site histories, or other documents and records required under the Mining Act 1971.
Rural Solutions SA does not have a privileged position or access to privileged information on the State's extractives operators. Rural Solutions SA abides by the rules of competitive neutrality to compete fairly with all other companies offering services to the industry, as they have for many years in other rural sectors.