Answers to Questions
Ministerial Statement
Question Time
Answers to Questions
Answers to Questions
335 The Hon. SANDRA KANCK (21 June 2006) (First Session).
1. (a) Does the Minister for Police's office have an en-suite toilet and/or other bathroom facilities; and
(b) If so:
(i) when was it installed;
(ii) what was the cost of installation; and
(iii) how many staff have access to it?
2. (a) Does the Police Commissioner's office have an en-suite toilet and/or other bathroom facilities; and
(b) If so:
(i) when was it installed;
(ii) what was the cost of installation; and
(iii) how many staff have access to it?
3. (a) Does the Premier's office have an en-suite toilet and/or other bathroom facilities; and
(b) If so:
(i) when was it installed;
(ii) what was the cost of installation; and
(iii) how many staff have access to it?
4. (a) Does the Treasurer's office have an en-suite toilet and/or other bathroom facilities; and
(b) If so:
(i) when was it installed;
(ii) what was the cost of installation; and
(iii) how many staff have access to it?
5. (a) Does the Attorney-General's office have an en-suite toilet and/or other bathroom facilities; and
(b) If so:
(i) when was it installed;
(ii) what was the cost of installation; and
(iii) how many staff have access to it?
6. (a) Does the Commissioner for Social Inclusion's office have an en-suite toilet and/or other bathroom facilities; and
(b) If so:
(i) when was it installed;
(ii) what was the cost of installation; and
(iii) how many staff have access to it?
The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY (Minister for Mineral Resources Development, Minister for Urban Development and Planning, Minister for Small Business):
1. (a) Yes.
(b) (i) The en-suite toilet and bathroom facility was installed prior to the Minister for Police occupying the office.
(ii) The cost of the installation of the en-suite is unable to be provided. The honourable member will need to seek this information from the former Liberal premier, John Olsen, who previously occupied the office.
(iii) As the en-suite is attached to the minister’s office, it is only used by the minister.
2. South Australia Police (SAPOL) has provided the following information:
(a) There is an en-suite attached to the office space used by the Commissioner of Police on Level 9 of Police Headquarters located at 30 Flinders Street, Adelaide.
(b) (i) The en-suite was part of the building fit out completed in 1993 when the South Australia Police (SAPOL) commenced occupation of the site.
(ii) The cost of the installation of the en-suite is not recorded as an individual item as it was a component of the whole building preparation.
(iii) As the building design is such that the facility can only be accessed through the commissioner’s office, it is only used by the commissioner or anyone who may be using that office space in the commissioner’s absence.
3. The Premier has provided the following information:
(a) The Premier’s office includes an en-suite toilet and bathroom facility located on Level 15, State Administration Centre.
(b) (i) The en-suite and bathroom facility was installed some years before I was sworn in as Premier as part of the whole of building refurbishment of the State Administration Centre (SAC) completed in 1994. It was part of the office used by former premier Dean Brown. An en-suite and bathroom facility was also part of the second premier’s office established at great expense by Mr Brown’s successor John Olsen in Terrace Towers.
(ii) The Department of Administrative and Information Services (DAIS) managed the SAC whole of building refurbishment project. DAIS has advised that the cost of installation is unable to be provided, as it was not separately itemised from the whole of project costs.
(iii) Access is available on a needs basis, subject to availability.
4. The Treasurer has provided the following information:
(a) Yes. The Treasurer’s office includes an en-suite toilet and bathroom facility located on level 8, State Administration Centre (SAC).
(b) (i) The en-suite toilet and bathroom facility was installed as part of the whole of building refurbishment of the SAC in 1993.
(ii) The Department of Administrative and Information Services (DAIS) managed the whole of building refurbishment project. DAIS has advised that the cost of installation is unable to be provided, as it was not separately itemised from the whole of project costs.
(iii) The Treasurer is the only person with access to these facilities.
5. The Attorney-General has provided the following information:
(a) The Attorney-General’s office has an adjoining toilet and shower.
(b) (i) These were installed as part of the original fit out on this floor in 1991, unlike the one recently installed by the DPP.
(ii) The cost of these were not separately calculated and recorded as it formed part of a large package of fit out works spanning six floors of the building at 45 Pirie Street when the Hon. Chris Sumner was Attorney-General.
(iii) It is not for the exclusive use of the Attorney-General.
6. The Premier has provided the following information:
(a) The Commissioner for Social Inclusion’s office does not have an en-suite toilet and/or bathroom facilities.