Parliamentary Committees
Question Time
Matters of Interest
Parliamentary Committees
Parliamentary Committees
The Hon. J.A. DARLEY (14:41): I seek leave to make a brief explanation before asking the Minister for Emergency Services, representing the Minister for Families and Communities, questions about Housing SA's tender processes.
Leave granted.
The Hon. J.A. DARLEY: Recently I was contacted by a constituent who raised concerns about the tender process for a project being undertaken by Housing SA. I am advised that Housing SA is currently in the process of refurbishing the Box Factory in Adelaide. As part of this refurbishment process a passenger lift is required to be installed. The project specifications require 'supply and installation of a Kone "R5 series" lift, or equivalent from Otis Lifts. No other lift suppliers are approved for this project.'
I am advised that, contrary to the project specifications, there are in fact six companies in South Australia that are capable of supplying and installing these types or similar types of lift. Further, I am advised by an expert within the field that this project does not require any distinctive skills exclusive to any one company and that it is an uncomplicated project. My questions are:
1. Is the minister aware of this situation?
2. Will the minister advise whether the tender was limited to two companies and, if so, will the minister advise why there was not an open tender process for this project?
The Hon. CARMEL ZOLLO (Minister for Correctional Services, Minister for Road Safety, Minister for Gambling, Minister Assisting the Minister for Multicultural Affairs) (14:42): I will refer the honourable member's questions to the Minister for Families and Communities in order to ensure that he has a response.