Parliamentary Procedure
Parliamentary Procedure
Parliamentary Committees
Ministerial Statement
Question Time
The Hon. B.V. FINNIGAN (15:04): I seek leave to make a brief explanation before asking the Minister for Road Safety a question about the newly announced level crossing black spot partnership.
Leave granted.
The Hon. B.V. FINNIGAN: I understand that the state government and the Local Government Association have announced a jointly funded level crossing improvement program. Will the Minister for Road Safety explain how the program will work and indicate what type of improvements will be undertaken?
The Hon. CARMEL ZOLLO (Minister for Correctional Services, Minister for Road Safety, Minister for Gambling, Minister Assisting the Minister for Multicultural Affairs) (15:05): We all know that road safety is everyone's responsibility, and that is why it is so pleasing to announce the partnership between state and local government in regard to tackling road safety at level crossings. This program involves a 50-50 funding split between state and local government for improvements on local roads, with the state government putting up to $500,000 into the program each year for the next four years. With matching funding from local government, the program will deliver a significant boost to level crossing safety over the next four years for council nominated improvements. The Rann government is committed to reducing crashes at level crossings, and this funding will provide a welcome incentive for councils to improve level crossing safety in their area.
It is anticipated that most of the funding will go to smaller scale projects, such as improved advanced warning signage, the line of sight clearance, the addition of lighting and traffic calming schemes, and the closure of a crossing or a minor road alignment to improve the approach angle. A panel of representatives from the LGA and the Department for Transport, Energy and Infrastructure will assess the nominations in October.
This partnership is one of a number of initiatives recommended by the state Level Crossing Advisory Committee. I am sure I have advised the chamber previously that the committee is made up of representatives from the Department for Transport, Energy and Infrastructure, the Australian Rail Track Corporation, Great Southern Rail, the Local Government Association, Pacific National, Rail Australia, the Rail, Tram and Bus Industry Union, the RAA, SAPOL and TransAdelaide.
I have also previously advised the chamber that we have 1,140 level crossings in South Australia, with about 80 per cent being on local roads, and this program is therefore vital in improving crossing safety throughout our state. Early this month I announced the level crossing safety program, which involves three components: education, enforcement and engineering. The state government and local government partnership will further enhance this government's ongoing commitment to improving safety at level crossings. The state government is very pleased to work with the LGA, and I thank the LGA President, Mayor Joy Baluch, for her ongoing support and cooperation in helping launch this important initiative.