Parliamentary Procedure
Answers to Questions
Ministerial Statement
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Answers to Questions
Ministerial Statement
Personal Explanation
Answers to Questions
In reply to the Hon. C.V. SCHAEFER (18 October 2007).
The Hon. G.E. GAGO (Minister for Environment and Conservation, Minister for Mental Health and Substance Abuse, Minister Assisting the Minister for Health): I have been advised:
1. No compulsory acquisitions of waterfront land have been undertaken as part of the PLAF (Perpetual Lease Accelerated Freeholding project). Applications to freehold Crown leases under the PLAF project have been made on a voluntary basis. As a condition of freeholding waterfront leases, lessees have surrendered a portion of their leasehold rights to enable the establishment of an adequate public waterfront, in accordance with the recommendations of the Select Committee on the Crown Lands (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill 2002.
2. A total of 80 lessees along the coast and River Murray have been offered leases for conservation purposes over surrendered waterfront areas.
3. As at 26 February 2008, 45 lessees have accepted the offer of a Conservation Lease and two of those applications have been completed. Six lessees have withdrawn their applications to freehold, two applications have been lapsed/terminated, 14 lessees have declined the offer of a Conservation Lease and 13 lessees are still to advise if they accept the offer of a Conservation Lease.
4. The Coastal Protection Branch has not compulsorily acquired any land as part of freeholding under the PLAF project.
5. The Select Committee on the Crown Lands (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill 2002 recommended that 'the Government will investigate practical solutions where there are significant improvements within the 50 metre boundary, on a case-by-case basis' (Recommendation 21). Where buildings are located within the proposed 50 metre public waterfront strip, an alternative boundary is determined according to individual circumstances.