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Ministerial Statement
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Ministerial Statement
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Parliamentary Committees
Ministerial Statement
Parliamentary Procedure
Parliamentary Committees
The Hon. R.P. WORTLEY (16:00): I move:
That the 16th report of the committee, on the Eyre Peninsula Natural Resources Management Board, be noted.
One of the Natural Resources Committee's statutory obligations is to consider and make recommendations on any levy proposed by a natural resources management board that exceeds the annual CPI rise. We received numerous submissions regarding the levies proposed for 2007-08 by these boards and we concluded that there were a number of issues common to all regions.
It became clear to the committee that, to understand better the expectations and obligations placed on these boards, we would need to visit a number of regions and talk with community representatives and local NRM groups. So, in November of last year, we went to the Eyre Peninsula and met with local government representatives from the City of Port Lincoln, District Council of Lower Eyre Peninsula, District Council of Elliston, District Council of Le Hunte and the City of Whyalla. We also met with the Eyre Peninsula Natural Resources Management Board, the Eyre Peninsula Drought Task Force, the Eyre Peninsula Water Security Reference Group and local action groups of Tumby Bay and Charlton Gully. As you can see, Mr Acting President, it was quite a full agenda. I list some of the perceptions raised in submissions to the committee and during discussions with local interest groups, as follows:
the widely varying levy amounts in different local government areas are inequitable and unfair;
the natural resources management board staff structure is top-heavy with levy funds largely expended on salaries at the expense of on-ground works;
there is board instability and high staff turnover; and
local community feelings of alienation with local natural resources management groups and volunteers being removed from decision-making regarding on-ground works.
Although the board may legitimately object to some of these criticisms, it must address the serious perception issues, whether they reflect underlying shortcomings is another matter.
The inquiry left the committee with the impression that community groups on Eyre Peninsula are at a critical fork in the road. Strong volunteer involvement in NRM is a critical prerequisite to run community supported projects efficiently. The committee is particularly concerned to see volunteer groups supported and re-engaged in NRM work as a matter of urgency. We also note the inequity that exists across the state regarding the capacity of boards to raise funds and deliver the programs expected of them. It would seem that some provisions should be made within the overall scheme of levy collection to allow regions such as this one to obtain a contribution from more affluent regions. I am not sure how this might come about, but we think the concept is worth pursuing.
Without dwelling on the problems faced by the Eyre Peninsula NRM Board, I would simply like to conclude by saying that the committee feels that many of the problems that currently beset this region are equally being experienced across the state. In this regard, the committee would hope that there are significant improvements throughout all regions to address these actual or perceived problematic issues.
I thank all those who gave their time to assist the committee with this inquiry. The committee heard evidence from 60 witnesses, received four submissions and travelled together around the Eyre Peninsula region visiting Port Lincoln and Whyalla, as well as a number of towns, including Elliston and Wudinna. I also commend the other members of the committee: the Hons Graham Gunn MP, Sandra Kanck MLC, Steph Key MP, Caroline Schaefer MLC and Lea Stevens MP, and Presiding Member Mr John Rau MP, for their contributions. All members of the committee have worked cooperatively throughout this inquiry. Finally, I thank the staff of the committee for their assistance.
Debate adjourned on motion of Hon. C.V. Schaefer.