Answers to Questions
Parliamentary Committees
Parliamentary Procedure
Question Time
Answers to Questions
Matters of Interest
Parliamentary Committees
Parliamentary Committees
Personal Explanation
The Hon. SANDRA KANCK (15:16): I seek leave to provide an explanation before asking the Minister for Emergency Services, representing the Minister for Employment, Training and Further Education, a question about TAFE Adelaide South.
Leave granted.
The Hon. SANDRA KANCK: Information received by my office indicates that TAFE Adelaide South is operating at a loss approaching $1 million. Furthermore, staff are struggling to deliver services. Both staff and students are finding that administration and computer support is below standard, and mice are creating a problem at the O'Halloran Hill campus. A clear lack of promotion of TAFE through the local media has led some to conclude that TAFE is not interested in having students.
Students undertaking IT courses over the past three years have found that availability of courses has reduced every semester. This could have industry ramifications across South Australia, particularly as C-programming (which operates inside the very popular program Windows) is no longer offered. A constituent writes:
I would expect that Panorama TAFE, with a range of schools, including business, information technology, community services and engineering, would be a buzzing hive of education; instead it is the sort of place you might see a tumbleweed rolling through. It is a like a dead zone. How does this make sense with the demand for trades people, such as boilermakers?
Another letter states:
The start of each semester is chaotic. No-one knows what subjects are available. Computer systems are not working to access student files and the atmosphere is one of frustration. Lecturers are in battle with management to obtain software licences so students can begin work.
Yet another constituent informs me:
It took three weeks to enrol, then two weeks to find out who the online lecturers were. The other campus started one week ahead, giving me less study time. Very high turnover of admin staff, although some have been exceptionally good.
My questions to the minister are:
1. Do the current IT training courses offered through TAFE reflect what industry advises is needed? In particular, why is the C-programming language no longer available to students in TAFE Adelaide South? Is it taught anywhere within the TAFE system and, if not, why not?
2. What capital works programs exist for TAFE Adelaide South?
3. What vermin control measures are being undertaken at the O'Halloran Hill campus to control mice?
4. Is there any truth to the rumours that a number of courses are to be transferred to TAFE operations in Adelaide City TAFE, and that some suburban TAFE campuses will be closed down and the property sold?
5. Has an extra $2 million of recurrent funding been provided for fee relief for TAFE students undertaking work-related courses as promised in the ALP's 2003 state election platform?
The Hon. CARMEL ZOLLO (Minister for Emergency Services, Minister for Correctional Services, Minister for Road Safety, Minister Assisting the Minister for Multicultural Affairs) (15:19): I thank the honourable member for her question in relation to TAFE Adelaide South. She has made quite a few comments and some allegations ranging from vermin control to the availability of courses. As she has raised some complex questions, I will have to refer those to my colleague the Minister for Employment, Training and Further Education in the other place and bring back a response for her.