Legislative Council: Tuesday, February 12, 2008



In reply to the Hon. D.W. RIDGWAY (21 November 2007).

The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY (Minister for Police, Minister for Mineral Resources Development, Minister for Urban Development and Planning): Consultation on the Issues Paper on the proposed Short-Term Amendments to the Mining Act 1971 has been extensively undertaken through direct consultation with key peak industry bodies, non-government organisations and environmental special interest groups. Legal firms who deal extensively with the resources industry, the general community and relevant Government agencies have also been extensively consulted. Below is the list of all organisations and individuals actively consulted.

The Advertiser Newspaper

The Government Gazette

Port Augusta Transcontinental

Ceduna West Coast Sentinel

Coober Pedy Regional Times

Millicent South Eastern Times

Murray Valley Standard

Strathalbyn Southern Argus

Yorke Peninsula Country Times

Kangaroo Island Islander

Whyalla News

Port Pirie Flinders News

Burra Broadcaster

Mr Jason KuchelChief Executive OfficerSA Chamber of Mines & Energy Inc The Executive OfficerCement, Concrete & Aggregates Aust—Extractive Industries Committee SA
PresidentLocal Government Association of SA Mr David MoyleConservation Council of SA
Executive OfficerThe Wilderness Society Mr David NoonanAustralian Conversation Foundation
Chief ExecutiveDepartment of Water, Land & Biodiversity Conservation Chief ExecutiveDepartment of Justice
Ms Joslene MazelExecutive DirectorAboriginal Affairs and Reconciliation Division Mr Warren McCannChief ExecutiveDepartment for the Premier & Cabinet
Mr Ashley WatsonPiper Alderman Lawyers Chief ExecutiveDepartment of Transport, Energy & Infrastructure
Chief ExecutiveDepartment of Treasury & Finance Ms Carol VincentGeneral ManagerSA Farmers Federation
The SecretaryEnvironment Institute of Australia SA Division Mr Ewan VickeryMinter Ellison Lawyers
Ms Stevie AustinManager, State & National PolicyStrategic Policy DivisionDepartment of Water, Land & Biodiversity Conservation Ms Jenny HartAssistantCrownSolicitorNative Title SectionCrown Solicitor's Office
Executive DirectorAust Petroleum Production & Exploration Association Mr George McKenzieFinlaysons Lawyers
Mr Mark McGeoughChairpersonResources Industry Development Board Minerals and Energy Resources PIRSA Mr Parry AgiusExecutive OfficerNative Title UnitAboriginal Legal Rights Movement Inc.
Ms Sharon BertholiniState ManagerNational Native Title Tribunal Dr Andrew CannonSenior MagistrateAdelaide Magistrates Court
Mr Stephen KennyCamatta Lempens Pty Ltd Lawyers Mr Michael SteeleHunt & Hunt Lawyers
Mr Greg LeamannDirector, National Parks & WildlifeDepartment of Environment & Heritage ChairpersonEconomic Development BoardTerrace Towers
Mr Simon StrettonCrown Solicitor The DirectorEnvironment Protection Authority
Mr Frank CongdonAndersons Solicitors Mr Kym LoechelGem and Mineral Club of SA
Ms Emma CovacevichEnergy Resources GroupClayton Utz Mr Josh BirdNative Title and Land Rights BranchATSIC
Mr Graham WebsterAlexandrina Council General ManagerAustralian Mines & Metals Association
Ms Jennifer Corkhill Mr Peter Tapley
Mr Mark BolduanMining Titles ConsultantHetherington Exploration and Mining Title Services Pty Ltd Ms Candy ScownDeputy ChairResidents for a Future Strathalbyn Inc
Mr John SweepLawyer Mr Julian MurrayMurray Land Consultants Woodend
Mr Alex BloodSenior Environmental ScientistGolder Associates Ms Georgina GreenScientific OfficerNature Conservation Council of SA
Mr Richard BradshawJohnston Withers, Solicitors Ms Frances EardleyAllens Arthur Robinson Lawyers
Mr Andrew CorlettoPresident AMPLA SA BranchC/- Kelly & Co Ms Melissa ZillmannA/Senior Policy AdvisorBureau of Mining and PetroleumDepartment Natural Resources, Mines & Energy
Mr Allan HolmesChief ExecutiveDepartment for Environment & Heritage Mr Elmer EvansManager, Assessment BranchPlanning SA
Mr Simon HowesPrincipal Planner, LegislationPlanning SA Mr Peter NolanChief Executive OfficerCivil Contractors Federation
Mr Barry LindnerSecretarySA Opal Miners Association Inc.

It is the role of Government to make, administer and enforce the laws of the State. It is expected that Government would reasonably consult with relevant stakeholders who may be impacted by amendments to such laws. In this case, the resources industry has been adequately consulted through their peak industry bodies, direct advertisements in state and regional newspapers and the PIRSA website. The cost of advertising was $2,070. With regards to the supplementary question in relation to the Mining Industry, PIRSA corresponds with 565 different tenement holders on a six-monthly basis.