Parliamentary Procedure
Answers to Questions
Parliamentary Committees
Parliamentary Procedure
Parliamentary Committees
Ministerial Statement
Question Time
Adjournment Debate
Adjournment Debate
The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY (Minister for Police, Minister for Mineral Resources Development, Minister for Urban Development and Planning) (18:26): I move:
That the council at its rising adjourn until Tuesday 12 February 2008.
In doing so, I take this opportunity to wish all members the best for the Christmas and New Year period. This has been a busy session of parliament. I thank you, Mr President, for your conduct of the chamber over the past year, and I also thank all members of this place for their cooperation. In particular, I thank the Whips for the work they have done in organising an increasingly complex and difficult legislative program. I thank the table staff, Jan, Trevor, Chris and Guy, who is a new addition to the team, after we farewelled Noelene earlier in the year. I also thank the messengers Todd, Mario, Karen and the office staff, Margaret and Claire.
I record the government's thanks to parliamentary counsel. I thank the Hansard staff who have been most cooperative and patient throughout the year, the kitchen and dining room staff, the library staff, the building staff and, indeed, everyone else who works in this place.
This year has heralded the introduction of one new member, the Hon. John Darley, and we welcome him to the chamber following the resignation of the Hon. Nick Xenophon. With each year, as we come to the end of the year, we have changes in the chamber.
Finally, I thank my staff and, on behalf of all members, I thank our respective staff members for their contribution during the year in keeping us well informed and keeping this chamber working smoothly. Again, I wish all members, their staff and families a very happy and peaceful Christmas, and I look forward to everyone coming back here fit and healthy in the New Year.
The Hon. D.W. RIDGWAY (Leader of the Opposition) (18:29): I take this opportunity to reiterate a number of the comments made by the Leader of the Government. I will start in the reverse order and welcome the Hon. Mr Darley to the chamber. You have now endured your first two days and, while you have many more to come, I am sure that you have found it quite interesting. I also thank you, Mr President, for the way you have conducted yourself this year and kept control of us and protected the opposition from the outrageous attacks that we sometimes endure from government members.
I wish all members a very happy and prosperous New Year and the Hon. John Gazzola a bountiful catch when he goes off on his annual fishing expedition. I also welcome Guy as our newest member of the table staff, our very important support team. As members know, we farewelled Noelene earlier in the year.
I would also like to take this opportunity, on behalf of the opposition, to thank the Hansard staff, the messengers and parliamentary counsel for the great work that they do; in fact, all of the staff who work here in Parliament House, whether it be in catering, security or maintenance and, of course, all of our own staff who work for our teams. We thank you all very much and wish you a very happy and enjoyable Christmas and a very prosperous new year. We look forward to seeing you all next year.
The Hon. M. PARNELL (18:31): I will not go through the list that the Leader of the Government and the Leader of the Opposition have gone through, but I would like to endorse the sentiments of well-wishers to parliamentary colleagues and to all the staff who were mentioned. I look forward to representing you all in Westminster next week at a very important Commonwealth Parliamentary Association conference on climate change. I hope to bring back ideas that I will be more than pleased to share in the chamber at an appropriate opportunity.
The PRESIDENT: (18:32) On behalf of the chamber staff, and Jan and her staff in particular, I would like to wish you all a very happy Christmas and a safe and prosperous new year. Thank you for your assistance to the staff, the members who assisted the staff throughout the year, and a special mention to the two Whips who have been very helpful to me and to members. I know that the Whips work hard in this chamber because of the number of different representations we have. Also, thanks to the members for their assistance to me, particularly those who gave me a break from the chair from time to time. Thank you very much. I wish all the staff of Parliament House all the best, and I hope everyone has a safe and healthy break.
At 18:32 the council adjourned until Tuesday 12 February 2008 at 14:15.