Parliamentary Procedure
Parliamentary Procedure
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Ministerial Statement
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Ministerial Statement
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Parliamentary Committees
In reply to the Hon. D.G.E. HOOD (24 April 2007).
The Hon. CARMEL ZOLLO (Minister for Emergency Services, Minister for Correctional Services, Minister for Road Safety, Minister Assisting the Minister for Multicultural Affairs): The Minister for Families and Communities has provided the following information:
The Minister for Families and Communities advises that the condition of detainees at the Cavan and Magill Training Centres is currently monitored and investigated through a number of means.
The Guardian for Children and Young Persons ('the Guardian'), through recent amendments to the Children's Protection Act 1993 ('the Act'), has a statutory function 'to monitor the circumstances of the children under the guardianship, or in the custody, of the Minister' (Section 52C (1)(c)). The Act further stipulates that the Guardian 'shall provide advice to the Minister on the quality of the provision of care for the custody of the Minister' (Section 52C (1)(d)). The Guardian regularly visits both training centres and monitors and provides advice to the Minister on both systemic issues and individual circumstances relating to the well-being of children and young people in custody.
The Guardian has taken a proactive role in investigating allegations made in both Magill and Cavan. Where matters of concern arise, the Guardian provides reports on these to the Minister and Families SA. These matters are also covered in her annual report to Parliament. I can advise that the Guardian is aware of these allegations and has initiated investigations.
The Families SA Youth Justice Directorate of the Department for Families and Communities (DFC) has developed specific feedback and complaints policies and procedures for young offenders, including family members and carers, to provide feedback or make a complaint. All staff are subject to investigation should a complaint be made.
Investigations of all care concerns and mandatory reporting incidents in the training centres, are undertaken by DFC's Special Investigations Unit (SIU). All allegations of illegal activity are investigated by South Australia Police (SAPOL). In this instance, the SIU has undertaken a full investigation of each alleged incident.
The Minister for Families and Communities informs me that he is not aware of any other substantiated claims of drugs being smuggled into youth training centres. The Minister also advises that he is unaware of any substantiated claims that drugs have been supplied to children or young people in the centres by training centre staff. SAPOL is always called into a Centre to investigate any allegations around drugs.