House of Assembly: Tuesday, March 04, 2025


Adelaide Hills Water Supply

Mr TEAGUE (Heysen—Deputy Leader of the Opposition) (15:02): Supplementary.

The SPEAKER: We will see if it's a supplementary.

Mr TEAGUE: Just arising from the answer, I note that the location at Woodside is the closest to Heysen but there isn't any indicated location in Heysen. Can the government give an indication of whether or not such facilities may be available in Heysen at any point in the near future?

The Hon. S.E. CLOSE (Port Adelaide—Deputy Premier, Minister for Climate, Environment and Water, Minister for Industry, Innovation and Science, Minister for Workforce and Population Strategy) (15:03): As I indicated in my statement, there have been three sites selected for now that we are able to open up immediately, so from Thursday morning. They are in Woodside, Sandergrove and Brukunga. We are also looking at further down in the Fleurieu near Aldinga. Naturally, there will be members of parliament who are anxious to have such water sources available nearer the people they represent. I know the member for King also has people in her electorate who are not on mains water supply. Of course, my opposite number as shadow minister for the environment is another member. There are several who will take an interest in the locations.

These three have been identified by SA Water as being suitable and being safe in terms of traffic management and also suitable in terms of not diminishing the water supply more generally, the pressure more generally in the area, which, of course, is important not only for people who are registered water users, who are regulated water users who are part of the system, but also in the event, and we certainly hope that's not the case, of a fire, that we don't want to see a sudden drop in water pressure. Should other supply sites become available and be evidently necessary, we will certainly look at opening up others, but it seemed important to get moving quickly on the ones that we knew were most likely to work efficiently.