House of Assembly: Thursday, February 06, 2025


Hydrogen Power Plant

Mr PATTERSON (Morphett) (14:58): My question is to the Premier. How much taxpayer money will be spent on the government's expensive hydrogen power plant this week?

The Hon. A. KOUTSANTONIS (West Torrens—Minister for Infrastructure and Transport, Minister for Energy and Mining) (14:58): You want a weekly breakdown. How about by the hour? Would you prefer that, or by the minute? This is just a silly, silly question. This is a serious chamber, where the people of South Australia expect us to debate policy ideas. Silly questions like that that are designed to entrap are just silly.

It is time the opposition grew up and came up with its own policy. I am doing my very best here not to launch into them, but I've got to say this is now becoming a little bit pathetic. Let's have a contest of ideas. I am happy to debate the shadow energy minister anytime, any place, anywhere on any topic relating to our portfolio areas, as we should. That's what the public demand of us. But the idea of what is this costing per week, per hour, per day is just silly. You know what the budget is.