House of Assembly: Wednesday, June 19, 2024


Riddoch Highway

Mr McBRIDE (MacKillop) (16:32): My question is to the Minister for Infrastructure and Transport. Can the minister advise if, and when planned, an overtaking lane between Naracoorte and Keith will be constructed? With your leave, sir, and that of the house, I will explain.

Leave granted.

Mr McBRIDE: In 2019 the Marshall and Morrison governments announced that $47 million would be allocated to construct three overtaking lanes on the Riddoch Highway between Mount Gambier and Keith. Two have been completed south of Naracoorte but the third, which is supposed to be constructed north of Naracoorte, has not been started yet.

The Hon. A. KOUTSANTONIS (West Torrens—Minister for Infrastructure and Transport, Minister for Energy and Mining) (16:33): It is a good question. I thank the member for the question and thank him for bringing this to my attention. I have done some research on this in anticipation that the member might have some interest in this so I could inform the house. There was a $155 million Rural Roads Safety Package—

Members interjecting:

The Hon. A. KOUTSANTONIS: I anticipate the needs of the crossbench. You might remember in the condolence debate there was a 1965 election, and there was one previously, where Labor and Liberals were tied and a conservative Independent sided with the then conservatives. I have worked very hard to make sure that never happens to us again.

There was a Rural Roads Safety Package, and $47 million of it has been announced. Of the entire package, there are overtaking lanes on the Augusta Highway and on the Lincoln Highway, north of Whyalla, there are overtaking lanes on Long Valley Road between Wistow and Strathalbyn, and there are two overtaking lanes on the Riddoch Highway, which the member has talked about, and how they have been built and constructed. There is design being undertaken on two more: one on the Victor Harbor Road, near Hindmarsh Tiers Road, and of course one on the Riddoch Highway between Naracoorte and Elmor Road, which I think is the one that the member is talking about.

This third overtaking lane on the Riddoch Highway was initially designed for further south; however, concerns were raised by the local community and affected adjacent landholders, and the local MP rightly contacted the regional roads minister and the infrastructure minister with the issues, including those proximities. There was a new location proposed further north, adjacent to Naracoorte Road. That third overtaking lane has been put on hold because the money that has been allocated to it of $16.8 million is insufficient.

What I have asked the department to do, because of the advocacy of the local member of parliament, is to go away and see if there is a program of works that we can use to undertake and fulfil that obligation, and build that third overtaking lane. So we are revising funding options available, and I will get back to the house as quickly as I can with an answer for the member and his constituents.