House of Assembly: Thursday, June 06, 2024


Adjournment Debate


Mr FULBROOK (Playford) (15:54): After that amazing budget, it is my absolute pleasure to speak in support of a group of people who have a profound and very welcome impact on life within my community and, indeed, the state of South Australia. I have used this chamber to highlight a number of multicultural groups, and on this occasion I am going to take the next few minutes to discuss the role of BAPS or, to pronounce it just once in full, Bochasanwasi Akshar Purushottam Swaminarayan Sanstha. Please forgive my Anglo tongue. I hope I got that right.

For those unfamiliar, BAPS is a Hindu denomination and a worldwide volunteer-driven organisation, dedicated to fostering the values of faith, community service, peace and harmony. With over 3,900 centres around the world, this includes our local Mandir, which is one of the most beautiful buildings in Adelaide, arguably one of its seven wonders, tucked away in Green Fields and a place I encourage everyone here to visit. The congregation of hundreds of devotees always ensures that visitors are warmly welcomed, so please take it from me that they are always keen to share what they cherish with the broader community.

I had the honour of attending the Mandir's ninth anniversary on 28 April, and I could tell there is a lot of excitement in the air as it enters its 10th year. Adelaide's Mandir is one of 15 nationally and was inaugurated by the present spiritual leader of the BAPS, His Holiness Mahant Swami Maharaj, back in April 2015.

While I have the honour of having the Mandir in my electorate, BAPS members live across South Australia, and with many special events and community activities planned for the year ahead I encourage all the MPs here to join in. This may include the Ratha-yatra cultural parade, which I believe is slated for early July. I had the pleasure of joining in last year and having the massive honour of helping to pull the chariot through the city, surrounded by a procession of colour, jubilation and plenty of noise.

Each year, Diwali celebrations also grow in momentum across Adelaide, and I am slightly biased in believing the epicentre of these is within the community that I am privileged to represent. The fireworks we enjoy are a cut above anything we experience in the north, and it is fantastic that this is shared by thousands of people, both from within the BAPS community and those living locally.

We should never look beyond the religious significance of events such as Diwali, or indeed any religion, as I am yet to meet one not in the business of being a positive force within our society. The spiritual celebration of a victory of light over darkness, good over evil and knowledge over ignorance would transcend the ethos of many religions and indeed moral fibres, and I am always very pleased to be a part of it.

I said earlier that the Mandir is a beautiful building, but I have always felt that what is inside eclipses this. I refer specifically to the people within and their commitment to making our community a better place. While members are selfless and do not seek recognition, it is timely to highlight BAPS's efforts during the COVID pandemic. This includes providing over 1,500 meals to those needing food and the distribution of more than 180 grocery and vegetable packs. They also led mask donations and blood drives, travelled over 1,450 kilometres to distribute their support, and gave 450 hours of their time in community service.

As I am not a member, I am going to exercise my discretion and place on record how grateful we are as a community for their help. We know that their charitable efforts stretch way beyond the pandemic. We often see members planting trees locally, continuing their blood drives, participating in Clean Up Australia, donating blankets to the homeless, providing hot meals to those who need a feed, and delivering education and career seminars, activities for senior citizens, and children and youth development activities.

I know there is a lot more than this, but I hope this illustrates just how lucky we are to have members of this community walk amongst us. They give a lot and ask for little in return. I note that the signature block of my friend and BAPS member, Deepak Patel, sums this up perfectly by quoting the wise words of Pramukh Swami Maharaj: 'In the joy of others lies our own.'

At 15:59 the house adjourned until Tuesday 18 June 2024 at 11:00.