Parliamentary Committees
Parliamentary Procedure
Question Time
Grievance Debate
Parliamentary Procedure
Grain Harvest
Mr PEDERICK (Hammond) (14:32): My question is to the Minister for Police, Emergency Services and Correctional Services. Can the minister reassure South Australians that the existing grain harvest code of practice will remain unchanged for the 2024-25 harvesting season, and the farming community will continue to use the Grass Fire Danger Index measurement this year, with the cease harvest threshold of GFDI 35?
The Hon. D.R. CREGAN (Kavel—Minister for Police, Emergency Services and Correctional Services, Special Minister of State) (14:33): I thank the member for Hammond for his question. This is a matter, of course, which flared aggressively in the life of the previous government, and there wasn't an opportunity for there to be a resolution to the satisfaction of many regional members.
Members interjecting:
The Hon. D.R. CREGAN: The South Australian Country Fire Service and Grain Producers SA have had effective and ongoing dialogue in relation to the South Australian grain harvest code of practice and, in particular, the cease harvest threshold, often referred to as the CHT, as the member for Hammond will undoubtedly be aware. The current government and especially my predecessor has successfully supported CFS and GPSA in building their ongoing effective engagement and their relationship.
Prior to harvest last year, CFS and GPSA agreed to maintain the status quo in relation to cease harvest thresholds, with a firm view to maintain both safety and harvest productivity. This is a principles-based approach that acknowledges the historical impact of harvest-related fires, the commitment of South Australian grain growers to safe harvest practices, and the importance of maintaining grower buy-in, of course, as well.
The CFS and the GPSA also agreed to work together throughout and following the recent fire danger season to ensure that the CHT is clearly communicated and commonly understood. The CFS and the GPSA also agreed to actively review the progress of the season at regular intervals and at the conclusion, which has, I am advised, occurred. Through this process, a commitment was also made by both parties to record relevant data and share it with each other as an empirical measure of the level of success, with a debrief to occur so that the entirety of the harvest period can be evaluated and lessons learned be applied in years to come.
Certain post-harvest statistics are available. I will take that particular aspect of the question on notice and provide a more detailed answer in relation to those statistics to the member for Hammond. I am sure they will be of interest to him. There were three formal review meetings between the CFS and the GPSA during the season and, as I said, I will certainly provide those additional statistical materials to the house, in a tabulated form.
There was also informal contact, as you might expect, throughout the season. Subsequent to these reviews, the CFS and the GPSA have maintained their position of not altering cease harvest thresholds and a commitment to maintain their ongoing and positive relationship and engagement. It would seem that that positive relationship and engagement is impervious to political influence. It is a good and strong relationship. It continues. I am sure there will be continuing investment in that relationship in the years to come.