House of Assembly: Wednesday, May 01, 2024


South Australia Police

Mr TELFER (Flinders) (14:19): My question is to the Minister for Police. Are there communication failures between SAPOL and other government agencies that are putting South Australians at risk? With your leave, sir, and that of the house, I will explain.

Leave granted.

Mr TELFER: On the radio this morning, the police commissioner indicated that there is no mechanism for police officers to be advised of a person released from mental health detention.

The Hon. D.R. CREGAN (Kavel—Minister for Police, Emergency Services and Correctional Services, Special Minister of State) (14:20): I thank the member for Flinders for his important question. All agencies in South Australia are of course apprised of their obligations to ensure that the law is observed. However, as the commissioner indicated this morning, in complex circumstances there can be information that is held by different agencies that may not reach other agencies at different times. As I understand it, this question might arise in relation to circumstances that have been well-ventilated in the press and also in other forums.

Can I say this: the police involved in the incident to which I think the member for Flinders is referring have done absolutely everything in their power to ensure that South Australians are safe. The other matters that I think it is essential to emphasise are these: SA Health are conducting an independent review into this matter which, it is understood, will investigate the communication between agencies involved in the incident. The matter is presently before the court and therefore additional comment—

Mr Telfer interjecting:

The Hon. D.R. CREGAN: Very well, it may be that there are other incidents. However, the comments that I now make to the house are important overall. May I emphasise, though, these matters in respect of the Bowes incident and in respect of other matters generally. As I have indicated, that matter is presently before the court and therefore additional comment would not be appropriate at this time, so far as it is specific to those matters before the court. But can I—

Mr Telfer: In general, though.

The Hon. D.R. CREGAN: Yes, in general. Can I say this: Ms Bowes, aged 47, was tasered and arrested after she allegedly used a knife to threaten staff at a business in Glenelg on Monday. It is alleged that Ms Bowes should not have been discharged at the time she was. As I emphasised earlier, the commissioner has made plain on the radio this morning that the officers involved did everything in their power to ensure that South Australians were kept safe. As I have also indicated to the house, there are matters that are being examined by an independent review led by SA Health, and that will investigate the communication between agencies involved in this incident. I am sure that any learnings or findings from that matter will inform other steps as may be necessary to be taken.