House of Assembly: Wednesday, February 07, 2024


Crime Statistics

Mr TELFER (Flinders) (14:56): My question is to the Minister for Police. What action is the minister taking to respond to crime levels across the state? With your leave, sir, and that the house, I will explain.

Leave granted.

Mr TELFER: In The Advertiser today it has been reported that 10 small businesses at three shopping centres have been targeted in an overnight crime spree. Recent figures released by SAPOL indicate that in the past 12 months home invasions have soared by 359 incidents, with assaults on police increasing by 41 per cent.

The Hon. J.K. SZAKACS (Cheltenham—Minister for Police, Emergency Services and Correctional Services) (14:57): I can talk a little, and give the member and the house some more detail, about the first matter he raised, and then talk about the disgusting and abhorrent incidents of assault on our police, which I am sure every member in this house would say is never acceptable.

I am informed that in the early hours of this morning, at 6.42am, SAPOL released a statement regarding a number of break-ins in a range of locations around the city, predominantly north and west. The advice I have received is that these have been some of the most brazen and hard to comprehend incidents, if there ever is any way to comprehend people doing stupid and incredibly selfish and criminal things in these instances; that is, they were highly focused towards doing damage.

This damage has no doubt deeply impacted, both short and potentially medium-term, the good, hardworking businesses involved. Sadly, whether it be this morning or at any other time throughout the year, we acknowledge that criminal offending impacts many people, both individuals and those decent, hardworking mums and dads who undertake small business in our state.

SAPOL has already dedicated specific resources to this investigation in addition, of course, to Operation Measure, a longstanding, specific task force on shop theft that has been implemented by SA Police. Let me make it clear that when the good work of SAPOL is undertaken, when these idiots, these thugs, are apprehended by our police, I hope and expect that our courts will exercise their prerogative in an appropriate, harsh sentence which does put a very firm focus on the impact that these crimes have had on the victims.

We do have strict offences in this state. We do have a number of offences, particularly serious criminal trespass, where life imprisonment is an option for the courts. I know from my discussions and the Premier's discussions with the Attorney-General that the Attorney-General is absolutely committed to ensuring that our law book and our statute book is focused on ensuring that victims, no matter what the offence is, are protected, feel supported through the process and see justice done. I want to take this opportunity to thank police for doing exactly that. They bring justice, and they keep our community safe. That is exactly why our government is investing so heavily and in such a focused way on bringing more cops onto the beat.

There are a multitude of things we are doing, not the least of which is bringing 900 cadets through our Police Academy with new funding. We are not just, as the former government did, hoping that the police could do more with less. We have brought more funding on line to bring more cops on line. We are also dedicating ourselves to ensuring that we get—

An honourable member interjecting:

The SPEAKER: Order! I call the member for Elizabeth, as earlier foreshadowed.