House of Assembly: Thursday, October 19, 2023


Council Flag Protocols

Mr TELFER (Flinders) (14:54): My question is to the Minister for Local Government. Has the minister provided guidance to local councils relating to flag-flying protocols? With your leave, sir, and that of the house, I will explain.

Members interjecting:

The SPEAKER: Order!

Leave granted.

Mr TELFER: In recent days—

Members interjecting:

The SPEAKER: Order! Members to my right, the member for Flinders has the call.

Mr TELFER: In recent days it has been observed that the Aboriginal flag has been flown at half-mast in various locations across the state which is contradictory to the protocols issued by the Department of the Premier and Cabinet's protocol unit.

The Hon. G.G. BROCK (Stuart—Minister for Local Government, Minister for Regional Roads, Minister for Veterans Affairs) (14:55): Can I refer to the question of the shadow minister —the previous question. The answer is basically the same: no, the Mayor has no authority.