Parliamentary Procedure
Parliamentary Procedure
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Parliamentary Procedure
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Parliamentary Committees
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National Skills Agreement
The Hon. J.A.W. GARDNER (Morialta—Deputy Leader of the Opposition) (14:29): Supplementary: has the government determined a figure in line with the federal government on how many places will go to non-government providers, or is that negotiation still to take place?
The Hon. B.I. BOYER (Wright—Minister for Education, Training and Skills) (14:29): I thank the member for Morialta for his supplementary question. There is a body of work that we will need to do now as we put together the state's Skills Plan. We have now secured the money and the subsidised places that we believe we need to help deliver on existing shortages and plan for future workforce demand, particularly in areas of state significance. I mentioned before AUKUS, the introduction of preschool for three year olds, and hydrogen as just three examples.
We will do the Skills Plan work now to make sure that we decide and allocate those 150,000 places in areas where there is that need and where there is that demand. Of course, we will be working with the private sector as well as the government training provider, TAFE, as well as not-for-profit training providers as we put together that Skills Plan to talk to them around how they can play a role in the delivery of the 150,000 training places over the next five years that we have secured.