Parliamentary Procedure
Parliamentary Committees
Question Time
Grievance Debate
Answers to Questions
Estimates Replies
Appropriation Bill 2023
Estimates Committees
Adjourned debate on motion:
That the proposed expenditures referred to Estimates Committees A and B be agreed to.
(Continued from 12 September 2023.)
The Hon. S.C. MULLIGHAN (Lee—Treasurer) (11:01): I thank honourable members for their forbearance in holding over these two bills until now, but in particular I thank members for participating in the debate of the Appropriation Bill, including, of course, the estimates committees, which people dedicate an enormous amount of time to.
I listened with some interest to some of the contributions people have made, in particular with respect not only to the budget and what initiatives or budget settings are included within the state budget but to the contributions members have taken the opportunity to make with regard to their own particular electorates. Once again, can I also say to the house that I think it is another important opportunity for members to be able to do that and to have the capacity to, perhaps beyond the time constraints a member may be experiencing in the course of a grievance debate, have a more fulsome opportunity to ruminate over issues that have some relevance to their electorate.
Beyond that, there have been a number of contributions about the utility of the committee stage of the Appropriation Bill and, of course, members will have a broad range of views about that. Yes, it is extremely time consuming, particularly for members participating in the committees and also for the many officers throughout government agencies who prepare materials for ministers. The committee process of the Appropriation Bill is also very time consuming for parliamentary staff. However, I do firmly believe there is a role for estimates committees each year in our parliamentary process. It is important for the house to have the opportunity to question ministers and conduct what is one of the key opportunities for the parliament to hold the executive to account.
So to those members in particular who participated in those committees I thank them for the time and effort they have put in, as well as all staff, particularly within my department of course, who put so much effort into participating in the estimates committee process and also, moreover, in the broader budget effort. It is an extraordinary effort for one agency to pull together a state budget and ensure that the government of the day has the capacity not only to execute whatever priorities that government has but to remain fully briefed and fully up to speed with all the financial transactions and also the policy machinations within those agencies. I have placed on the record my thanks to all those staff as well. I do not have any further comments to issue, so I will conclude my remarks there.
Motion carried.
The Hon. S.C. MULLIGHAN (Lee—Treasurer) (11:05): I move:
That the remainder of the bill be agreed to.
Motion carried.
Third Reading
The Hon. S.C. MULLIGHAN (Lee—Treasurer) (11:06): I move:
That this bill be now read a third time.
Bill read a third time and passed.