House of Assembly: Wednesday, August 30, 2023


Adelaide Hills Palliative Care Service

The Hon. D.R. CREGAN (Kavel) (15:09): Today, I tabled a petition in the house from almost 1,500 residents of the Adelaide Hills calling for a dedicated hospice in the new Mount Barker hospital and for increased palliative care funding in the Hills.

Members will know that a new hospital is planned for the regional community of Mount Barker and the Adelaide Hills. I was informed on 30 May 2023 that, among other things, the hospital will include:

specialist paediatric short-stay beds;

maternity beds;

rehabilitation beds;

medical and surgical beds;

new outpatient and community health facilities;

an allied health gym; and

telehealth and in-reach services.

These additional services for my community are deeply appreciated. It is unclear what provision has been made for palliative care.

Early in the year, I was contacted by Ms Joan Chataway, who is concerned that the new Mount Barker hospital will not adequately provide for palliative care. As matters stand, many patients who are unable to receive end-of-life care at home in the Hills are transferred to the Flinders Medical Centre or The Queen Elizabeth Hospital. There are a very limited number of palliative care nurses in the Hills. There is an urgent need, too, for social workers.

Because our population in the Hills is increasing, and because the population across the state is ageing overall, there is growing demand for palliative care services. It is vitally important that members of regional communities like the Adelaide Hills are able to receive essential health services, including palliative care, without facing the prospect of being removed from their community and transferred to the city.

I understand that the Health Performance Council of South Australia are currently undertaking an inquiry into the provision of palliative care services. I also understand that their report is expected in 2024. I call on the state government and the Barossa Hills Fleurieu Local Health Network Governing Board to adequately fund palliative care services and to give careful consideration to this important issue in the context of planning the new Mount Barker hospital.