House of Assembly: Wednesday, June 28, 2023


Piccaninnie Ponds

Mr BELL (Mount Gambier) (14:39): My question is also to the Minister for the Environment. Is the minister aware of the significant algae outbreak at Piccaninnie Ponds, resulting in the closure of the site to divers and snorkellers, and are there any steps being taken to address the issue?

The Hon. S.E. CLOSE (Port Adelaide—Deputy Premier, Minister for Industry, Innovation and Science, Minister for Defence and Space Industries, Minister for Climate, Environment and Water) (14:39): Yes, I am aware of that and it is quite disturbing. It means that that beautiful clarity has essentially gone and it is of concern that we are not able to have diving take place there. This has been creeping up for some time, as I understand it, and work is being done to understand why. Part of the challenge in dealing with how to fix it is that it is not immediately apparent why this has been caused.

The latest I have is that there has been significant research done by the landscape board as well as by DEW into what the interaction between land and water is that has generated this, how much it's to do with recent rains and how much it's to do with perhaps some localised challenge. So I will get an update on that. If there is any more information, I will both bring it directly to the member but also to the house.