Ministerial Statement
Parliamentary Procedure
Parliamentary Committees
Question Time
Parliamentary Procedure
Question Time
Grievance Debate
Energy Concessions
The Hon. J.A.W. GARDNER (Morialta—Deputy Leader of the Opposition) (14:39): Supplementary, sir: at the end of the minister's answer he referred to a certain set of time frames. Is the Treasurer able to advise the house what those time frames are? When do the consumers need to have that information confirmed in order to access the rebate?
The Hon. S.C. MULLIGHAN (Lee—Treasurer) (14:39): Sure. I think, yes, I can provide the information. I don't have it with me. In terms of how the relief is being provided, it's not necessary for the energy consumers themselves to have to apply for the relief. I say that with a couple of small caveats or exceptions.
Obviously, there are some people who will become eligible—for example, for a state government concession—say, between now and when the concession is able to be paid. We want to make sure that those people who are eligible for the concession get it who aren't currently eligible for concessions, so that will need to be part of the regular application process for those concessions.
Putting that sort of example aside, it should automatically flow to the people who qualify for the relief. It should automatically flow to their bills. As for the time frames, I will take that question on notice and come back to the deputy leader with as much information as I can provide.