Parliamentary Procedure
Parliamentary Committees
Question Time
Parliamentary Procedure
Question Time
Matter of Privilege
Question Time
Parliamentary Procedure
Question Time
Grievance Debate
Matter of Privilege
Grievance Debate
Matter of Privilege
Grievance Debate
Sporting and Infrastructure Grants
Mr TARZIA (Hartley) (15:03): Strange envelopes, mysterious couriers and unmarked vehicles—the questions just keep on coming. It is official: a question that we have been asking for months, yet we never received an answer to, we have seen now in black and white. Minister Hildyard was advised that she had 12 conflicts of interest.
An honourable member: Twelve!
Mr TARZIA: Twelve. Why was it so hard? It raises more questions than answers. Why did the Office for Sport and Recreation advise the minister of 12—
An honourable member: Twelve!
Mr TARZIA: —12—conflicts? Look at the FOI. Check the FOI that you signed. Did the minister recuse herself from all cabinet deliberations surrounding the payment of those grants? She cannot tell us. Why can she not tell us? Why can she not tell us when she did and if she did?
So many unanswered questions remain. Let me reassure those opposite: we will get the answers one way or another. It is only a matter of time because the sharks on that side of the chamber are circling—people like the member for Mawson, who I am sure would love to be a minister once again.
We are talking about $133 million in sports and infrastructure grants, more than it would cost to build the new Aquatic Centre, more than the Majors Road on/off ramps and likely even larger than the potential break cost with Keolis Downer. Make no mistake, this is a lot of taxpayer money, public money that this government cannot provide information on that is in the public interest.
This government will not provide the information to a high ranking public servant, and this person's job is to independently and objectively audit the expenditure of the public's money. None of this, quite frankly, passes the pub test. These were payments that took place behind closed doors, in locked backrooms, payments of even more than 95 per cent which went to Labor gained or controlled seats: 69 out of 72 of the sports and infrastructure grants received.
We knew at the time that ministers had roles of significant authority in a number of these clubs that received funding. We said at the time that if any minister had signed a grant for one of these clubs, then there would be real questions to be answered. We still do not have those answers. We know now that there were conflicts of interest. Why does this government still refuse to release cabinet documents to the Auditor-General? What do they have to hide?
The Auditor-General could not rule out misconduct, maladministration or conflict of interest in the recent committee. He could not comment because he did not have the documents to suggest otherwise. Why would the government not put this matter to bed? Why would they not just hand over the documents? If they have nothing to hide, what is the big deal? It raises many, many questions, and we will continue to ask questions because this is public money. We will get those answers. Even if they are delivered in hard copy in unmarked envelopes by mysterious couriers, we will get those answers.
I would also like to take some time to reflect on the achievements of a leading sporting club in my electorate of Hartley—that is, the Hectorville Sports and Community Club. We know that the Heccies have a proud record and that they have had a tremendous year of which they should be very proud. During 2022, they had over a thousand junior and senior players register, with many fans and I am overwhelmed when I go there. They register with football, tennis, netball, cricket and even now basketball. It is fantastic to see such growth in our local sports clubs and to see our youth so passionate about sport and staying active. They even have an over 35s team, so you never know what might happen. In particular, I would like to congratulate:
the A grade under 13 girls footy team, who defeated the Unley Jets in a nailbiter of a grand final;
the division 2 netball seniors, who also won their grand final;
the sub 3 netball juniors, who won their grand final; and
the under 15 division 2 girls, who won their grand final 37-23 against Glengowrie.
It is a pleasure to support the Hectorville Sports and Community Club, a staple and a cornerstone of the local community. I wish them all the very best leading into the future.