Answers to Questions
Parliamentary Procedure
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Parliamentary Procedure
Question Time
Parliamentary Procedure
Question Time
Grievance Debate
Answers to Questions
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Question Time
River Murray Flood
Mr PEDERICK (Hammond) (14:19): A supplementary to that question: so you haven't activated anything like Humanihuts or other emergency accommodation that can be used immediately?
The Hon. N.F. COOK (Hurtle Vale—Minister for Human Services) (14:19): Thank you for the question. What we have in place is a system of being able to provide immediate crisis accommodation. There are two different levels of support that we are looking at: one for the flood as is mapped and expected and one strategy in case of a sudden influx of water into a town.
There are two different types of responses that are being readied. I think the Premier just articulated that the numbers were in the several hundreds that we thought would need—according to the modelling—some crisis accommodation. That in the first instance can be temporary accommodation in hotel or motel accommodation.
We also have Minderoo pods at the ready in case we need to activate some of those. There is also a showground that is available—with amenities and power—that will accommodate around 200 caravans in a safe area away from the water. As well as that, we have been investigating the use of a premises to provide accommodation for those who have poor mobility, people with disability or frail, elderly people who might need a carer to be with them, or who may need a fully accessible accommodation option as well.
We are, to the best of the information I have been provided, actually able to stand up accommodation in the hundreds at this point. The advice I have been given is that, should the need then escalate for a longer period of time, which in some cases it will, we do have people now at the ready in the relief centre able to provide support to connect to longer term accommodation options.