House of Assembly: Tuesday, October 18, 2022


Grant Programs or Funds

In reply to Mr PEDERICK (Hammond) (17 June 2022). (Estimates Committee A)

The Hon. A. KOUTSANTONIS (West Torrens—Minister for Infrastructure and Transport, Minister for Energy and Mining): I am advised:

The following table provides the requested information on grant program/funds under my responsibility for the 2022-23 financial year—Controlled:

Note: The Department for Infrastructure and Transport and the Department for Energy and Mining advises grant programs beyond 2022-2023 are subject to approval in the future state budget processes.

Grant program/fund name Purpose of grant program/fund 2022-23 Estimate $000
Infrastructure and Transport
Country and Provincial Concessions For passengers eligible to travel at concessional rates 10,053
South Australian Transport Subsidy Scheme (SATSS) Taxi subsidies payable to individuals with limited mobility 9,947
Asset Improvement Program Funds transport infrastructure improvements, including bridge renewal and road safety black spot projects 2,609
Kangaroo Island Maintenance Project The conduct of construction works to upgrade specified unsealed roads 2,000
South Australian Boating Facility Advisory Committee To establish and improve recreational boating facilities in South Australia's coastal and inland waters 1,217
National Transport Commission – national road, rail and intermodal transport To contribute to the national road, rail and intermodal transport reform agenda 631
Freight SA: strategy and grant To advise on freight enhancement opportunities and develop a freight and supply chain strategy based on the principles developed in the national action plan by the Transport and Infrastructure Council 500
Overland train subsidy To provide a subsidy to support the continued running of the Overland train service between Adelaide and Melbourne 350
Australasia Rail Corporation Yearly grant to provide services to the community 195
KESAB Road Watch Program Delivery of the Road Watch Program 89
Rail Industry Safety and Standards Board Funding for RISSB 2022-23 46
Local Government Association Grant Contribution to Local Government Association Mutual Liability Scheme (LGAMLS) Aerodrome Risk Management Programme for the provision of services to councils and outback areas 43
Energy and Mining
Accelerated Discovery Initiative Co-fund innovative exploration and research projects aimed at accelerating the discovery and development of new mineral resources 6,018
Grid Scale Storage Fund To support development of grid scale energy storage projects, to help reduce energy costs and enhance reliability of SA's electricity system 5,000
Electric Vehicle Charging Network To establish a statewide electric vehicle charging network to increase the uptake of electric vehicles, accelerate smart charging and vehicle-to-grid charging trials. 10,403
Test Mine and Innovation Centre To support the development of the Arkani Ngura National Test Mine and Innovation Centre based at Oz Minerals' Prominent Hill mine to test and observe emerging technologies in resources 3,300
EV Charging Trials Various recipients—The trials will support market-led proposals that bring forward public demonstrations of consumer-focused smart charging solutions. 2,700
Renewable Technology Fund To support further integration of the next generation renewable technologies. 455
Demand Management Trials To advance the use of energy demand response, demand aggregation and integrating distributed generation assets into the grid 3,631
MinEx CRC Exploration To provide new technologies for improving the productivity of mineral exploration drilling and for the acquisition and incorporation of data into 3D models 300
Mining and Petroleum Scholarship Program Mining and Petroleum Engineering Scholarship Programme to arrest a forecast skill shortage in the resources sector. 220
Core Innovation Hub Establish a space at Lot 14 where resources-focused start-ups, operators and suppliers can contribute skills to unlock insights and commercial collaboration 180
Australian School of Petroleum Chair Financial assistance for the position of South Australian State Chair of Petroleum Geology 209
Discovery of Sedimentary Mineral Systems To help exploration and mining companies in the discovery of sedimentary Cu-mineral systems on the Stuart Shelf. 122
Carbon Capture Research focused on Carbon Capture and storage and hydrogen production. 100
Future Fuels To address future fuel technologies, systems and markets, social acceptance, public safety and security of supply 15
Race for 2030 To support research to help boost energy productivity, and integrate clean distributed energy into the grid, to reduce costs and carbon emissions of businesses and households 100
Global Maintenance Upper Spencer Gulf (GMUSG) Providing a platform for local business to work collaboratively on mining and resource projects 80
Future Battery Industries CRC Support research that will help tackle industry identified gaps in the battery industries' value chain, support battery deployment, and optimise the circular economy for battery waste recycling. 50
Landowner Information Service The operation of a free, independent information service for landowners seeking information on mineral resource regulatory requirements, including exploration and mining production activities 415

The following table provides the requested information on grant program/funds under my responsibility for the 2022-23 financial year – Administered:

Grant program/fund name Purpose of grant program/fund 2022-23 Budget $000
Infrastructure and Transport
Catchment Management Subsidy Scheme Flood mitigation 103

Contractual commitments relating to budgeted as at 30 June 2022 are as below:

Contractual commitments made at 30 June 2022: 2022-23$000
Infrastructure and Transport
Asset Improvement program (Heavy Vehicle Safety and Productivity Program):
Adelaide Plains Council 440
District Council of Loxton Waikerie 864
Yorke Peninsula Council 454
Total 1,758