Parliamentary Procedure
Parliamentary Procedure
Parliamentary Procedure
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Parliamentary Procedure
Parliamentary Procedure
Maitland Hospital
Mr ELLIS (Narungga) (15:12): My question is to the Minister for Health and Wellbeing, and I hope the chamber will forgive me for changing topic. I would like the minister to update my community on dialysis services at Maitland Hospital. With your leave, and that of the house, I will explain just a little bit further.
Leave granted.
Mr ELLIS: A constituent of mine who lives near Maitland contacted me during the week and he has recently had to start renal dialysis services and can't get into Maitland Hospital, despite them offering that service. That means that he now has a four-hour round trip three times a week to Gawler to get a service that he could get a lot closer to home.
The Hon. C.J. PICTON (Kaurna—Minister for Health and Wellbeing) (15:12): I thank the member for Narungga for his question and thank him for his significant advocacy in terms of a range of health issues within his electorate. I am very happy to follow up in relation to this particular matter and this particular constituent. I do know that dialysis services are under pressure across the state, and that's why we are working in terms of planning for additional dialysis services that need to be put in place across South Australia. In terms of the specific considerations on Yorke Peninsula, I am very happy to come back to you with a detailed answer.