Parliamentary Procedure
Ministerial Statement
Parliamentary Committees
Question Time
Grievance Debate
West Adelaide Hellas Soccer Club
Mr TARZIA (Hartley) (14:32): My question again is to the Minister for Infrastructure and Transport. Has the minister advocated for further state government financial support for the completion of the Kilburn Sportsplex?
The Hon. A. KOUTSANTONIS (West Torrens—Minister for Infrastructure and Transport, Minister for Energy and Mining) (14:32): Before the election, the member might remember that the West Adelaide Hellas Soccer Club made applications to the previous government for assistance to complete their facilities at Kilburn, and the former government refused to assist. They refused to assist, and former Minister Wingard used to raise that in estimates and in parliament as some sort of political attack on me, using a volunteer community club, calling it an eyesore and questioning the competence of the volunteers running the organisation. I think he conducted himself in a thoroughly appalling manner.
Yes, the club is in need of assistance to complete those facilities. They approached the opposition because we were the only ones who had a sympathetic ear for them, because we are supporters of the Greek community on this side of the house.
I note there have been a number of Greek community organisations that have been given assistance over the last term of the Weatherill government, which was roundly criticised by the former Treasurer and the former sports minister Mr Wingard. Mr Lucas and Mr Wingard enjoyed regularly attacking the Greek community in this parliament and in the other place, and we all found it galling. Quite frankly, the member for Hartley is better than this.