Parliamentary Procedure
Ministerial Statement
Parliamentary Procedure
Ministerial Statement
Parliamentary Committees
Question Time
Grievance Debate
Homelessness Services
Ms PRATT (Frome) (14:35): My question is for the Minister for Human Services. Did a recent media report prompt the minister to take action on a homelessness case?
The Hon. N.F. COOK (Hurtle Vale—Minister for Human Services) (14:35): I take action on a number of cases. We get dozens of them coming through our office every day. I assume you are talking about a case last week in respect of a young woman who was in a tent at a caravan park who had been in housing crisis since before we came to government. I assume that is the case you are talking about, although you haven't provided specifics.
What I can say is that I was reached out to from my office regarding that woman. I reached out to her twice over the phone. I spoke to her personally. I told her how awful it was that she was going through that situation. I told her that I would see what we could do immediately to remedy that. I reached out via the department to ask them to ensure that she would have hotel accommodation provided. We were advised that she had been offered that some weeks before and didn't show up for the hotel accommodation that she had been already offered.
What I am trying to spell out, without going into too much detail about a woman who has many issues and very complex problems, is that sometimes the full picture cannot be painted. In the particular circumstance that happened last week, yesterday I had a conversation with our executive team. There is a very complex and challenging process of supporting people in such circumstances, and members opposite might be aware that that is the homelessness service that has been put in place by their own team when in government. They are actually doing an incredible job, considering the huge escalation in numbers that are presenting to the service each week.
In this particular case, I am advised that, while a hotel booking was made over the phone, there wasn't a secondary email that was sent. I am advised that the shadow minister was in contact with the particular lady and unfortunately felt that she would provide the lady with alternative hotel accommodation rather than reaching out to the homelessness service. Also, I think I recall her marching across the chamber in the Legislative Council and slapping a phone number down on the desk of one of our members who found a woman walking the streets one night and tried to find help, but she didn't contact us.
Anyway, there was a missed step in the confirmation of booking. This particular lady has been provided now ongoing hotel accommodation. In fact, yesterday she was offered a home, which she refused because of her complicated situation, which I respect and will not unpack any further.
We will make sure we are providing very consistent and very thorough ongoing checks on this particular lady, who is in a remarkably difficult position due to a range of issues. We have apologised to her for the lack of appropriate accommodation on Friday night, in the first instance, because that was offered.
Members interjecting:
The Hon. N.F. COOK: I haven't finished. In saying that, I thank you for your diligence—
The SPEAKER: Minister—
The Hon. N.F. COOK: —and I hope that we won't need to talk about her again.
The SPEAKER: Minister, your time has expired.
The Hon. D.G. Pisoni: You couldn't finish the job on Friday night either.
The SPEAKER: Order! The member for Unley is called to order.