Parliamentary Procedure
Question Time
Grievance Debate
Festa della Repubblica
The Hon. J.A.W. GARDNER (Morialta) (15:29): On 2 June 1946, the Italian people undertook a referendum to determine what form of government would follow for the rest of the 20th century, and it still stands today. The Republic of Italy was commemorated on that day with the Festa della Repubblica still recognised and celebrated today—and what a celebration it was here in Adelaide.
South Australia's Italian population is our most significant group of non-English-speaking background in our state, with more than 100,000 proud people of Italian heritage. First, second and third generation migrants alike from Italy, who still have the strong, rich and important connections to Italy, were joined by the government and the opposition, by all sides of the parliament, in celebrating that day on 2 June.
I would like to commend our Italian Consulate here in South Australia for the important work they do in commemorating this tremendously important day—important for our state as well as for Italy. To Consul Dotorre Adriano Stendardo and his wife, Clizia, thank you so much for the work that you did. I have been to a few of these celebrations as the member for Morialta. Members would be aware that we have a very significant Italian community in my electorate, which is my great privilege.
These events are special every year, but this year may well have been amongst the most special. The consul and the consulate, the team led by Consul Adriano Stendardo, with people like Sara Potenza and the rest of the team, put together a festa meravigliosa. The Adelaide Symphony Orchestra was brought in to perform the national anthems of both Italy and Australia and then a suite of extraordinary Italian music, culminating with the William Tell Overture. If you have not heard Rossini played by a full symphony orchestra, which I had not until a couple of weeks ago, then I commend it to everybody in the house as an experience to behold.
I thank and commend Vincent Ciccarello and the Adelaide Symphony Orchestra for the work they did to support this. Vincent was not able to be in attendance, as he was selling South Australia's virtues internationally on the night. I know he was very sorry to miss it, and I can inform him that his team did well. Umberto Clerici, the conductor, was spectacular and he had the entire audience, representing people from the Italian community, from the consular corps and other people in government and industry in South Australia, very much appreciating their work.
The performance was dedicated to Her Excellency Francesca Tardioli, who many members would be aware was Italy's ambassador to Australia, who tragically passed away in recent months. Her Excellency was a friend to South Australia, as indeed she was a friend to peace-loving peoples around the world. Her lifetime of service to the Italian government and to the diplomatic corps was very much appreciated, and it was suitable that the evening was dedicated to her in that way.
Following the performance, there was a delightful reception. I was joined by the member for Hartley (Vincent Tarzia), the Deputy Leader of the Opposition in the upper house (Hon. Jing Lee), the Minister for Police and other legislative councillors, the Hon. Reggie Martin and the Hon. Frank Pangallo. It was a lovely event, but it was really memorable for one special thing, which was the honouring by the Italian government, through Consul Adriano Stendardo, of our former Governor, His Excellency (as I am told I am not allowed to call him anymore) Hieu Van Le AC, who was made a Cavaliere, which I think is the same level as an AM; Commendatore would be like an AC. Indeed, we saw Steve Maglieri have his elevation from Cavaliere to Commendatore also acknowledged.
For Hieu Van Le to be acknowledged as a Cavaliere of Italy I think recognises the significant warmth and affection in which he was held by the entire South Australian community, particularly for his services to the broad range of multicultural communities in South Australia. I commend Hieu Van Le and Lan Le, who, it was very clear to see, had a wonderful evening.
The services to the community provided by the consulate are important. I particularly want to take the opportunity to commend Consul Adriano Stendardo. When in government, as Minister for Education I was very pleased to join him in signing an MOU between the Italian government and the Department for Education to see more professional learning support for Italian language learners, for Italian language teaching assistants to work across more schools and for more sister school relationships between South Australia and Italy.
Indeed, I hope that body of work will continue under the new government. It is an important body of work that not only will pave the way opportunities for South Australian students learning the Italian language, which has so many benefits, but also will honour and continue to enhance the rich cultural heritage and traditions that formed between South Australia and the nation of Italy. Buono Festa della Repubblica.