Address in Reply
Parliamentary Procedure
Address in Reply
Ministerial Statement
Parliamentary Committees
Question Time
Grievance Debate
Address in Reply
Parliamentary Procedure
Address in Reply
Brompton Gasworks Development
Mr TELFER (Flinders) (14:51): My question is to the Minister for Housing and Urban Development. Will he confirm that in January, as a precondition of the Renewal SA Board approval, MAB accepted key commercial terms proposed by Renewal SA for the Brompton Gasworks to enable MAB to be designated the preferred proponent?
The Hon. N.D. CHAMPION (Taylor—Minister for Trade and Investment, Minister for Housing and Urban Development, Minister for Planning) (14:51): As I understand it, what has happened is that the previous minister selected a preferred proponent, but no development agreement—
Members interjecting:
The Hon. N.D. CHAMPION: No, the minister. It is a minister's press release. Go and have a look at the minister's press release. The minister made the announcement, didn't he? Own your own work. Don't try to scurry away from it. The previous government made a huge announcement in the run-up to the state election—
An honourable member interjecting:
The SPEAKER: Member for Wright!
The Hon. N.D. CHAMPION: You made a huge announcement in the run-up to the state election. We said we would review it—
Members interjecting:
The SPEAKER: The member for Wright is on a second warning.
The Hon. N.D. CHAMPION: —we are currently in the process of implementing our election commitments. I don't know what is so dramatic or interesting or why you are all getting so excited.
An honourable member interjecting:
The SPEAKER: The member for Morialta is called to order.
The Hon. N.D. CHAMPION: You marched in here on the first week and you said, 'Will you fulfil your election commitments?' Here we are, fulfilling our election commitments—pretty simple.
The SPEAKER: The member for Flinders on a supplementary.