House of Assembly: Wednesday, May 04, 2022


Lot Fourteen

Ms HOOD (Adelaide) (15:26): My question is to the Minister for Housing and Urban Development. Can the minister inform the house about London plane trees located on Frome Road at the Lot Fourteen precinct?

The Hon. N.D. CHAMPION (Taylor—Minister for Trade and Investment, Minister for Housing and Urban Development, Minister for Planning) (15:26): I thank the member for Adelaide for the question and would like to congratulate her on a well-deserved victory and an excellent first speech advocating for her constituents in this house. I am very proud to serve with her.

During the recent election, the now member for Adelaide brought to the attention of many—I was going to say sitting on this side of the house, but I'm sort of over your side, aren't I—the issue of a pair of century-old London plane trees being slated for removal due to their location at the entrance of Frome Road at Lot Fourteen. The reason given for the removal was to manage the safe passage of trucks entering the Lot Fourteen precinct. A district-wide traffic management assessment had found that sight lines entering gate 7 were compromised due to the location of the plane trees.

The loss of trees should always be taken seriously when making these decisions, especially due to the age and location of these trees. Frome Road is one of our leafier streets in the CBD and, where possible, every effort needs to be made to preserve these mature trees.

The member for Adelaide didn't waste any time contacting me about saving these trees. She has publicly stated, 'You've got to be sitting at the table and talking to the people that have the answers,' and I fully agree with that. I asked Renewal SA to immediately investigate alternative options with a view to saving these trees.

I am happy to inform the house that these important century-old London plane trees will now be kept and that alternative arrangements have been made to access Lot Fourteen. This is just a case of working smarter and not taking the easy option, which I know was the hallmark of the previous government. This solution was found with an activation of a one-way traffic flow through the precinct, entering at gate 9 and exiting at gate 7. This option was possible due to the upcoming road modifications linked to the construction of the Frome Road Bikeway.

The new road design will allow for a wider turning circle into gate 9, mitigating the need for the trees to be removed. We haven't forgotten about pedestrian, cyclist and vehicle safety too. Design options will be undertaken on traffic sequencing and the right-hand and left-hand turns into Lot Fourteen to ensure that everybody is kept safe throughout this process.

As Lot Fourteen is developed over the coming years, over 400 trees and smaller vegetation will be planted, which will create a new pocket of greenery within the Adelaide CBD. It's important to recognise that that good work is occurring. I would like to thank the project team at Lot Fourteen and the Adelaide City Council, who came together to give us this workable solution, and I would also like to thank the member for Adelaide for her advocacy in this matter.