Parliamentary Procedure
Parliamentary Procedure
Parliamentary Committees
Question Time
Matter of Privilege
Question Time
Grievance Debate
Parliamentary Procedure
Grievance Debate
Estimates Replies
Raethel, Ms H.
Mr PICTON (Kaurna) (14:48): My question is to the Premier. How was it possible that the diagnosis of Ms Hazel Raethel was missed for three months before her doctors or she was notified after a colonoscopy at the Royal Adelaide Hospital in 2019?
The Hon. V.A. CHAPMAN (Bragg—Deputy Premier, Attorney-General, Minister for Planning and Local Government) (14:49): Again, I would raise with the member that whilst there are statements made in relation to conduct, either in a state facility like a hospital or by medical or health professionals who are employed by the government or indeed any other private enterprise, there are appropriate processes that can be undertaken in relation to medical and health practitioners and any alleged breach of duty of their care of their patient, and they are matters that follow an orderly process. If there is some responsibility that is shared by another party or institution for which the state is responsible, ultimately that is a matter that is likely to come to my attention after it has gone through a number of things, including often coronial inquiries or other investigations such as—
Mr Picton: You haven't even referred it to the Coroner.
The Hon. V.A. CHAPMAN: The member says that I haven't referred it to the Coroner. I assume he means the government. The family—
Members interjecting:
The Hon. V.A. CHAPMAN: The Coroner, of course, reviews all reportable deaths every day. He has a meeting with pathologists, as I understand it—
Mr Picton: Has it been reported?
The DEPUTY SPEAKER: The member for Kaurna is warned for the first time.
The Hon. V.A. CHAPMAN: —about all reportable deaths. If the member was wanting to bring to the attention of the Coroner this particular case with the consent of the family to urge that there be some kind of inquest, that is something he is entitled to do. It may already be before the Coroner. It may be that he is already considering that matter, but if you want to be absolutely sure on behalf of this family, I would urge you to get their clear authority and then progress that request.
Dr Close: You could do that.
The Hon. V.A. CHAPMAN: The deputy leader yells out, 'You wouldn't do that.'
Dr Close: I said, 'You could do that.'
The Hon. V.A. CHAPMAN: I am not familiar with the circumstances surrounding Ms Raethel. I expect it is being traversed in a media story, but that doesn't mean that I am familiar with it. I am telling the house that I don't have any personal knowledge of this case or in relation to any application, either for the Coroner, who indirectly I am responsible for as part of the Courts Administration Authority, or indeed any civil action.
The DEPUTY SPEAKER: Before I call the member for Kaurna, I warn the deputy leader and the member for Playford both for the first time.