House of Assembly: Wednesday, May 05, 2021


Answers to Questions

Social Housing

In reply to the Hon. G.G. BROCK (Frome) (30 March 2021).

The Hon. V.A. CHAPMAN (Bragg—Deputy Premier, Attorney-General, Minister for Planning and Local Government): The Minister for Human Services has provided the following advice:

Homeless Connect SA is the main point of contact for people to seek information and gain access to homelessness and related services, including emergency accommodation. This is a statewide service available 24 hours, 7 days a week.

In 2019, the Marshall Liberal government released the state's new $550 million housing, homelessness and support strategy, Our Housing Future 2020-2030. The strategy commits to a once-in-a-generation plan to modernise and reform the state's housing system to meet the future needs and aspirations of South Australians, from homelessness, to social housing, to affordable housing, including in the regions.

South Australia's Homelessness Alliances will be operating from 1 July 2021 and will better meet the needs of people experiencing homelessness. The key aims of the alliances will be to intervene early to prevent people falling into homelessness; and support people into safe, stable and long-term housing so they do not cycle in and out of homelessness. Port Pirie will be part of the Country North Alliance, and the new domestic and family violence alliance will work together to support at-risk women and children.

The Marshall Liberal government is committed to improving our public housing assets. We are investing $75 million over 10 years to address the capital maintenance backlog and improve sustainability and energy efficiency of public housing properties across South Australia including regional areas. $12.6 million has already been spent, including $980,000 in regional areas.

Our Housing Future also outlines the delivery of more than 20,000 affordable housing outcomes over the next decade, which will reduce and prevent housing stress. This will provide low-income households across South Australia, including regional areas, the opportunity to move into homeownership. By boosting the supply of affordable housing, we are supporting local employment and economic growth in regional areas.

SA Housing Authority will continue to assess opportunities and work collectively with key agencies across Port Pirie and the wider Upper Spencer Gulf region to benefit local communities.