House of Assembly: Tuesday, May 04, 2021


Hospital Beds

Mr PICTON (Kaurna) (15:33): My question is to the Premier. Does the Premier get advised when a hospital reaches a Code Yellow internal disaster level; if not, why not?

The Hon. L.W.K. Bignell: Come on. You've got to answer that. He just works here, the Premier. He doesn't get involved in making decisions.

The SPEAKER: The member for Mawson will leave for 20 minutes in accordance with standing order 137A.

The honourable member for Mawson having withdrawn from the chamber:

The SPEAKER: The Minister for Education has the call.

The Hon. J.A.W. GARDNER (Morialta—Minister for Education) (15:34): I thank the member for the question. In relation to the process of what takes place when there is a Code Yellow, I will seek information about that process and what the protocols are from the Minister for Health and bring back advice to the house. In doing so, I also feel like I have an apology to make to the member for Kaurna. In a previous question time I understand that I referred to the member for Kaurna as the adviser for Transforming Health, and he took offence at the time. I apologise for that mistake. On checking the record, it turns out he was indeed the assistant minister for health during the end of the last government.

Members interjecting:

The SPEAKER: Order!

The Hon. S.S. Marshall interjecting:

The SPEAKER: Order, the Premier!