House of Assembly: Thursday, April 01, 2021


United Firefighters Union of South Australia

Mr ELLIS (Narungga) (16:02): I rise today to speak about the unfortunate news that appeared on the front page of last Friday’s 'Tiser regarding the fireys union and the union bosses who were recorded on tape intentionally delaying the purchase of new trucks and refusing to spend allocated money on equipment that could well help brigades keep the community safe. With the rally on the steps today, which has been mentioned already, what a convenient time for me to rise.

It has come to my attention that at least one of the senior firefighters caught on the hot mic is responsible for the administration of regional firefighting, which of course means that it encompasses my electorate of Narungga. The article that appeared in The 'Tiser stated that a transcript exists that reveals officers laughing and not using the nearly $2 million of funding for new appliances so as not to 'undermine a union campaign for more resources'.

If that is accurate, what an utter shame that the United Firefighters Union (UFU) has allowed partisanship to interrupt the supply of important equipment to local regional brigades. My understanding is that the $1.8 million referenced in that article was earmarked for regional brigades, which means it very well could have been used at one of the needy MFS stations in my electorate so sorely seeking the benefits of funding.

MFS stations in Moonta, Kadina and Wallaroo are all in need of upgrades to their firehouses, as well as to their equipment, and the local boots-on-the-ground firefighters would have been horrified to know the equipment they need in order to do their job properly is being withheld by the union that is ostensibly there to represent them—all in the name of politics. In fact, I know for a fact that they are horrified because I have been talking to them this week.

We in regional SA often feel as though we are treated like the poor cousins of our metropolitan colleagues, and now it emerges that is very much the case with respect to these unions. Justifiably, of course, an investigation has been launched into the incident, and I am looking forward to seeing the results. Speaking of poor cousins, I also happen to know that our wonderful CFS volunteers are most aggrieved that the metropolitan-based UFU is taking industrial action, considering the privileged position in which they are so comparatively well placed. Regional volunteer firefighters are always desperate for improved equipment, which thankfully in my electorate over the past three years has been more than forthcoming, yet these full-time, well-paid unionists are whingeing about their conditions.

I recently visited a number of CFS stations—more than I can mention in the five minutes allowed to me now—but I would like to point to a few examples of where that $1.8 million could have been used in the CFS system. I recently visited Moonta Mines to chat to Elizabeth and Malcolm Shultz and Julie Davey at Moonta Bay about blocked, unusable fire hydrants and a recent incident that had no closer water tanker than was available at Bute, some 50 kilometres away, to help when the fire hydrants were found to be obstructed and unusable.

I visited both the Yorketown and Ardrossan brigades recently and chatted with the volunteers there, both of which would like an extension to their facilities, to cater for increased volunteerism, and separate change rooms for both male and female volunteers. I popped past Port Broughton recently, which are outgrowing their facility and would like a new one, preferably one that would be co-located with the SES that are currently sharing a shed at the council depot, with one side of the shed taken up by lawnmowers and the like and the other with valuable SES equipment—a most peculiar arrangement indeed.

I know that the Maitland CFS is preparing and planning for a new improved facility, which will be a very welcome upgrade of their current unwieldy arrangement. It would be an absolute shame if the unions were withholding this allocated funding in the name of partisan politics. My electorate so desperately needs it, as has been articulated here. MFS stations and the retained fireys are disappointed that the union is playing games, as the CFS stations desperately need funding, as I have just said.

I look forward to supporting all emergency services in my electorate to improve their facilities and equipment. We in regional SA know that there are far more important things than petty politics and hopefully all parties figure it out soon.