House of Assembly: Wednesday, November 11, 2020


Question Time

State Budget

Mr MALINAUSKAS (Croydon—Leader of the Opposition) (14:13): My question is to the Premier. How does the government explain running a $2.6 billion deficit this financial year while the budget forecasts zero percentage jobs growth?

The Hon. S.S. MARSHALL (Dunstan—Premier) (14:13): We were very proud on this side of the house yesterday to hand down yesterday's budget, which delivered for this state the single biggest shot of economic adrenalin that this state has ever seen—a $4 billion stimulus, all designed to create jobs. This was a jobs budget, and that's exactly and precisely what will be delivered.

Those opposite can quibble about the methodology which has been determined over a long period of time, where we put forward what the jobs growth will be. It's a very different methodology from that used in the commonwealth. In fact, if we were using theirs, it would show a 4.75 per cent increase. I bet they would still complain about that because they hate what we're doing in South Australia, which is putting the people of South Australia first, creating jobs, backing business, building what matters.

The things that matter to the people of South Australia are jobs—absolutely focused on jobs and spending money, and we are very proud of spending that money. We are not ashamed of spending that money; in fact, we wear it as a badge of honour because there are plenty of other jurisdictions around this country—in fact, around the world—whose economies have stalled. Many of them have not only slowed but gone backwards, and we are not going to be doing that here in South Australia.

Members interjecting:

The Hon. S.S. MARSHALL: We are putting the people of South Australia first, and we will be creating 19,000 jobs from the massive investment that we are making in infrastructure in South Australia of $16.7 billion. I'm going to say it again: $16.7 billion worth of infrastructure for the people of South Australia, which is going to improve our entire state. From the most remote outback setting right through to the centre of our CBD, we are spending this money to create jobs and to avoid the economic apocalypse which is facing much of the rest of the world.

The SPEAKER: Before I call the leader, I call to order the member for Playford and I call to order the member for West Torrens.