House of Assembly: Thursday, July 23, 2020


Economic Stimulus Package

79 The Hon. S.C. MULLIGHAN (Lee) (3 June 2020). As at 3 June 2020, has all of the $650 million announced as an additional economic stimulus been allocated to specific initiatives?

(a) Please provide a list of the initiatives, along with an estimated cost for each initiative, that have been approved as at 3 June 2020?

(b) Which initiatives were already budgeted for expenditure across the state budget's forward estimates period?

(c) As at 3 June 2020, how much of the $650 million has been expended by the government, on which initiatives and what amount per initiative?

The Hon. S.S. MARSHALL (Dunstan—Premier): I have been advised:

The attached table provides detail on the $650 million Jobs Rescue Package.

While numbers are still subject to year-end audit processes, it is estimated that as at 30 June 2020, around $256 million had been expended from the $650 million Jobs Rescue Package.

With relevant agencies administering some relief measures, support under the Business and Jobs Support Fund and Community and Jobs Support Fund may be reimbursed in arrears. DTF does not record actual expenditure of all agencies for all initiatives approved from the funds on a daily basis. In addition, $180 million of funding for non-government schools has been brought forward and paid in 2019-20.

Two initiatives outlined in the table were budgeted for across the forward estimates. These are reflected in the table below.

The bring-forward of the 2020-21 Cost of Living Concession for households who are receiving the Centrelink JobSeeker Payment;

The Jobs Accelerator Grant funding was already provisioned for in 2019-20. The expenditure is to recognise the ongoing payment of Job Accelerator Grants to grant recipients during COVID-19 pandemic restrictions, irrespective of whether an eligible employee was stood-down or released. It has been assumed that the cost of the Job Accelerator Grant Scheme would have reduced significantly in the event that the continuous employment criteria was upheld during COVID-19.

A number of approvals for organisations made from the Business and Community Jobs Support Funds focused on the immediate needs of those organisations to 30 June 2020. These and other organisations are able to seek further assistance in 2020-21 if required, with the government recognising that the easing of restrictions will impact businesses and community organisations differently. There is capacity in these funds to provide that support in 2020-21 if required.

Second Stimulus Package($000s) Estimated expenditure to30 June 2020 estimated cost2020-21 Total
Second Stimulus package
Payroll tax relief -21 970 (a) -40 030 -62 000
Land tax package (b) -15 000 -15 000
Waiver of liquor licence fees for 2020-21 -4 856 -4 856
Business and Jobs Support Fund -183 506 -186 494 -370 000 (c)
Community and Jobs Support Fund -33 013 -146 987 -180 000 (c)
Cost of Living Concession -12 596 -14 904 -27 500
Access of accrued leave for public servants n.a Net debt impact only (impact dependant on take-up)
Job Accelerator grants n.a (d) -3 000 -3 000
Business Advisory Group - 51 - 159 - 210
-255 992 -406 574 -662 566

(a) Businesses are not required to lodge their annual payroll tax returns until 14 August 2020, which may impact the total amount of relief expenditure recognised in 2019-20.

(b) Provides for an increase in relief under the land tax transition fund to eligible taxpayers whose land tax bill will increase as a result of the changes in aggregation of land ownerships commencing from 1 July 2020, and a deferral of outstanding 2019-20 land tax liabilities for up to six months. The estimated $50 million cost of the 25 per cent waiver of 2019-20 land tax liabilities for properties leased to eligible tenants that have been significantly impacted by COVID-19 is funded from the Business and Jobs Support Fund.

(c) $70 million of budget has been transferred from the Community and Jobs Support Fund to the Business and Jobs Support Fund.

(d) Relaxation of existing Job Accelerator Grant criteria. $3 million budget is to recognise the ongoing payment of Job Accelerator Grants to grant recipients during COVID-19 pandemic restrictions, irrespective of whether an eligible employee was stood-down or released. It has been assumed that the cost of the Job Accelerator Grant Scheme would have reduced significantly in the event that the continuous employment criteria was upheld during COVID-19.