House of Assembly: Tuesday, March 03, 2020



In reply to Ms BEDFORD (Florey) (6 February 2020).

The Hon. J.A.W. GARDNER (Morialta—Minister for Education):

1. TAFE SA's provision of the Certificate III in Individual Support was audited by the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) in its 2018 compliance monitoring audit. This audit included a review of compliance with all aspects of classroom and practical training.

ASQA's audit resulted in a compliant outcome and, as the member for Florey has rightly identified, ASQA issued TAFE SA with the maximum accreditation possible, being for seven years.

2. As a registered training organisation, TAFE SA complies within the ASQA 'standards for RTOs 2015' to ensure that students receive training assessment and support services to meet their individual needs. Students enrol in courses for a range of personal and professional reasons, which may include completing an entire qualification or it may include completing on certain units of competency from a qualification. Either outcome is supported by TAFE SA.

TAFE SA monitors the currency of all its trainers and assessors through its Centre for Educator Practice, which has strategies in place for enabling and tracking both vocational (industry) and educational currency.