House of Assembly: Wednesday, February 05, 2020


Member for Waite

Mr MALINAUSKAS (Croydon—Leader of the Opposition) (17:37): My question is to you, Mr Speaker. Why shouldn't every witness to the member for Waite's actions on 13 December be provided an opportunity to make representations to the private investigator?

The Hon. S.K. KNOLL: Point of order, standing order 97: that question contains fact and argument and is out of order. The question presupposes facts.

The SPEAKER (17:37): It certainly does do that. Leader of the Opposition, I am just going to respectfully refer you to my earlier statement, which canvasses the investigation.

The Hon. S.C. MULLIGHAN: I rise on a point of order: standing order 98, which requires a member in answering a question to address the substance of the question. For the last 46 minutes, we have not had answers to these very legitimate questions.

The SPEAKER: That is a completely bogus point of order. Member for Lee, you will leave for the remainder of question time, and if you don't immediately I will name you.

The Hon. C.L. Wingard interjecting:

The SPEAKER: Minister for Police, you are called to order. When the member for Lee leaves, and leaves in silence, I will call for the next question.

The honourable member for Lee having withdrawn from the chamber: