House of Assembly: Thursday, December 12, 2019


SA Health, ICAC Report

Mr PICTON (Kaurna) (15:04): My question is to the Premier. Why have government members refused calls from Labor and the crossbenchers on the Crime and Public Integrity Policy Committee to hold a hearing this year to hear Commissioner Lander explain his report into SA Health, and will the Premier ask those members to make themselves available before February?

The Hon. V.A. CHAPMAN (Bragg—Deputy Premier, Attorney-General) (15:04): Can I just have the question again?

The SPEAKER: The Deputy Premier would like the question again, member for Kaurna.

Mr PICTON: Why have government members refused calls from Labor and the crossbenchers on the Crime and Public Integrity Policy Committee to hold a hearing this year to hear Commissioner Lander explain his report into SA Health, and will the Premier ask these members to make themselves available before February?

The Hon. V.A. CHAPMAN: As I understand the question, it relates to members on the committee making a decision about who and when they convene that committee. That is really a matter to be addressed to the committee. To the best of my knowledge, the Premier is not on it and I am certainly not on it.

I make this point: if the committee themselves determine that they will meet to hear any integrity matters—from time to time, as members know, that committee meets to hear from all sorts of people, including Mr Lander, the police commissioner, the Ombudsman and all parties undertaking integrity matters which they, as a parliamentary committee, have responsibility for—they have certain processes in regard to how they activate that. So I would invite the member to address the matter in correspondence to the committee.