Parliamentary Procedure
Parliament House Matters
Parliamentary Procedure
Parliamentary Procedure
Parliamentary Committees
Question Time
Parliamentary Procedure
Question Time
Grievance Debate
Auditor-General's Report
Parliamentary Procedure
Statutes Amendment (Gambling Regulation) Bill
Committee Stage
In committee.
Clauses 1 to 44 passed.
Clause 45.
The Hon. V.A. CHAPMAN: I move:
Amendment No 1 [AG–1]—
Page 17, after line 25—After subclause (2) insert:
(2a) Section 14B—after subsection (11) insert:
(11a) The Commissioner may, by instrument in writing, exempt the licensee from compliance with this section to an extent specified in the instrument of exemption.
Amendment carried; clause as amendment passed.
Clause 46 negatived.
Clauses 47 and 48 passed.
Clause 49.
The Hon. V.A. CHAPMAN: I move:
Amendment No 2 [AG–1]—
Page 13, after line 32—After subclause (9) insert:
(9a) The Commissioner must cause any codes of practice prescribed under this section to be published on a website maintained by the Commissioner.
Amendment No 3 [AG–1]—
Page 17, after line 3 [clause 19(4), definition of authorised person]—After paragraph (d) insert:
(da) a person who is or has been, at any time, a member of the gambling advisory committee established under section 73BA of the Gaming Machines Act 1992;
Amendment No 4 [AG–1]—
Page 21, line 16 [clause 29(1)]—After 'conducted,' insert:
and who the inspector reasonably suspects is under the age of 18 years,
Amendments carried; clause as amended passed.
Clauses 50 and 51 passed.
Clause 52.
The Hon. V.A. CHAPMAN: I move:
Amendment No 5 [AG–1]—
Page 27, lines 5 to 9 [clause 39(2)(e)]—
Delete paragraph (e) and substitute:
(e) in the case of the holder of a gaming machine licence under the Gaming Machines Act 1992, the Commissioner may determine that 1 or more gaming machine entitlements be forfeited to the Commissioner and may cancel the forfeited entitlements accordingly.
This amendment deletes provisions within section 40A(5).
Amendment carried; clause as amended passed.
Clause 53.
The Hon. V.A. CHAPMAN: I move:
Amendment No 6 [AG–1]—
Page 23, lines 4 to 5 [clause 53, inserted section 40B(5)]—Delete subsection (5) and substitute:
(5) The Commissioner may—
(a) on the Commissioner's own initiative, by written notice to the licensee; or
(b) on application by the licensee,
vary or revoke an approval under this section.
Amendment No 7 [AG–1]—
Page 23, line 6 [clause 53, inserted section 40B(6)]—Delete 'revokes an approval under this section' and substitute 'varies or revokes an approval under subsection (5)(a)'
Amendment No 8 [AG–1]—
Page 23, line 8 [clause 53, inserted section 40B(6)(a)]—After 'proposed' insert 'variation or'
Amendment No 9 [AG–1]—
Page 23, line 15 [clause 53, inserted section 40B(7)(b)]—Before 'revokes' insert 'varies or'
Amendments carried.
The Hon. S.C. MULLIGHAN: I move:
Amendment No 2 [Mullighan–1]—
Page 23, after line 39—After inserted section 40C insert:
40D—Commissioner may approve facial recognition system
(1) The Commissioner may, on application by a person, approve a system to be operated by the licensee that enables the facial image of a person who is about to enter a gaming area to be recognised, identified and recorded (a facial recognition system).
(2) The Commissioner must not approve a facial recognition system under this section unless the system complies with any applicable gambling administration guidelines or any requirements prescribed by the regulations.
(3) The Commissioner may—
(a) on the Commissioner's own initiative, by notice to the licensee and the facial recognition system provider; or
(b) on application by the licensee or the facial recognition system provider,
vary or revoke an approval under this section.
(4) Before the Commissioner varies or revokes an approval under subsection (3)(a), the Commissioner must—
(a) give notice in writing of the proposed variation or revocation to the licensee; and
(b) consider any representations made within 21 days after the notice is given or a longer period allowed in the notice.
The Hon. V.A. CHAPMAN: Because this is a significant change, I will just indicate that this is a clause to introduce the approval of a facial recognition system, to be introduced in the terms as outlined. The government agrees this is an appropriate addition to the overall regulation in this area.
The Hon. S.C. MULLIGHAN: I appreciate the Deputy Premier's support for this initiative.
Amendment carried; clause as amended passed.
Clauses 54 to 56 passed.
Clause 57.
The Hon. V.A. CHAPMAN: I move:
Amendment No 10 [AG–1]—
Page 25, after line 26 [clause 57(1)]—After inserted subsection (3a) insert:
(3b) It is a condition of the casino licence that the licensee must not provide any gaming machine in a gaming area that allows the operation of a game by insertion of a banknote if the cash value of the credit balance on the gaming machine is $100 or more.
This amendment relates to restriction of a credit balance on gaming machines of $100. There is to be provision for conditions under the Casino licence.
Amendment carried.
The Hon. S.C. MULLIGHAN: I move:
Amendment No 3 [Mullighan–1]—
Page 25, lines 27 to 35 [clause 57(2)]—Delete subclause (2) and substitute:
(2) Section 42B(4)—delete 'bank note' and substitute:
banknote of a denomination greater than $50
The Hon. V.A. CHAPMAN: I also indicate that this matter is to restrict the banknote use to a denomination of not greater than $50. Whilst this is a matter that could have been in regulations, the government agrees to having it incorporated in the legislation.
Amendment carried; clause as amended passed.
New clause 57A.
The Hon. S.C. MULLIGHAN: I move:
Amendment No 4 [Mullighan–1]—
Page 26, after line 13—After clause 57 insert:
57A—Insertion of section 42D
After section 42C insert:
42D—Provisions relating to operation of facial recognition system
(1) It is a condition of the casino licence that the licensee must, for the purposes of identifying barred persons about to enter a gaming area, operate a facial recognition system approved under section 40D in accordance with any requirements prescribed by the regulations.
(2) It is a condition of the casino licence that the licensee must not allow a person to enter a gaming area unless the licensee has caused a record of the person's facial image to be made by means of a facial recognition system approved under section 40D in accordance with any requirements prescribed by the regulations.
This inserts new clause 57A after clause 57, which relates to provisions relating to the requirement of a facial recognition system in the Casino.
New clause inserted.
Clauses 58 to 78 passed.
Clause 79.
The CHAIR: All you need to do, member for Lee, is oppose this amendment. Did you wish to speak to it at all?
The Hon. S.C. MULLIGHAN: I oppose this clause.
Clause negatived.
Clauses 80 to 86 passed.
Clause 87.
The Hon. S.C. MULLIGHAN: I move:
Amendment No 6 [Mullighan–1]—
Page 39, after line 24 [clause 87, inserted section 27(7)(b)]—After paragraph (b) insert:
(ba) must ensure that gaming operations cannot be conducted on the premises on Christmas Day or Good Friday.
This relates to whether gaming is allowed on either Christmas Day or Good Friday.
The Hon. V.A. CHAPMAN: I indicate that the government accepts that this will continue to be a no-trading day.
Amendment carried; clause as amended passed.
Clauses 88 and 89 passed.
Clause 90.
The Hon. V.A. CHAPMAN: I move:
Amendment No 11 [AG–1]—
Page 40, line 22 [clause 90(4)]—Delete subclause (4) and substitute:
(4) Section 27B(3)(e)—delete 'Crown' first and second occurring and substitute:
Amendment carried.
The Hon. V.A. CHAPMAN: Similarly, I move:
Amendment No 12 [AG–1]—
Page 40, lines 25 to 33 [clause 90(6), inserted subsection 27B(9)]—Delete subsection (9) and substitute:
(9) The Commissioner may determine that gaming machine entitlements held under a gaming machine licence that is to be transferred, or that is suspended, or has been surrendered or revoked, may be held temporarily by the Commissioner on the basis that the entitlements will, by the Commissioner's subsequent approval or determination—
(a) vest in the licensee or another person; or
(b) be allocated to licensed premises, or a gaming area within the meaning of the Casino Act 1997; or
(c) be forfeited to the Commissioner and cancelled under section 27CA.
This amendment substitutes a new subsection (9).
Amendment carried; clause as amended passed.
Clause 91 passed.
Clause 92.
The Hon. V.A. CHAPMAN: I move:
Amendment No 13 [AG–1]—
Page 41, lines 11 and 12 [clause 92, inserted section 27CA(1)]—Delete 'cancelled and, if so, cancel them accordingly' and substitute:
forfeited to the Commissioner (and any entitlements so forfeited must be cancelled by the Commissioner accordingly)
Amendment No 14 [AG–1]—
Page 41, lines 13 to 19 [clause 92, inserted section 27CA(2)]—Delete inserted subsection (2) and substitute:
(2) If the Commissioner cancels gaming machine entitlements, any gaming machines to which the entitlements related may be dealt with under section 16(5) or in the manner prescribed by the regulations.
Amendments carried; clause as amended passed.
Clause 93.
The Hon. S.C. MULLIGHAN: I move:
Amendment No 7 [Mullighan–1]—
Page 41, lines 22 to 32 [clause 93, inserted section 27E]—Delete inserted section 27E and substitute:
27E—Statement of Parliamentary intention to reduce gaming machine numbers etc
(1) It is Parliament's intention to reduce the number of gaming machines that may be operated in the State—
(a) in respect of the casino premises—to a number not exceeding 1,081; and
(b) in respect of any other premises—to a number not exceeding 12,000,
(the statutory objective).
(2) The Minister must cause a review to be undertaken of the operation of the approved trading system established under section 27B(2) with a view to determining how it should be modified in order to meet the statutory objective and a written report on the review to be prepared and submitted to the Minister.
(3) The review under subsection (2) must seek and consider written submissions from the holder of the casino licence, a body representative of licensees and Club One.
(4) The review and the report must be completed after the first but before the second anniversary of the day on which the Statutes Amendment (Gambling Regulation) Act 2019 is assented to by the Governor.
(5) The Minister must cause a copy of the report submitted under subsection (2) to be tabled in both Houses of Parliament within 12 sitting days after its submission.
I am grateful once again for the support of the government in this approach. I believe it is important for the community to retain a gaming machine reduction target. In doing so, we have been discussing with the government that perhaps it might be more useful for the community to have that gaming machine entitlement number split between the gaming machine reduction target as it applies to the Casino and as it applies to other premises, or perhaps we can be more particular and refer to pubs and clubs or hotels and clubs.
Amendment No. 7 in my name, which inserts a new section 27E in place of the old section 27E, states that it is the parliament's intention to reduce the number of gaming machines that may be operated in the state and in respect of the Casino premises, to a number not exceeding 1,081. It is also the parliament's intention to reduce the number of gaming machines that may be operated in this state in respect of any other premises, to a number not exceeding 12,000.
It is my understanding that although some progress has been made particularly in regard to that second objective as it relates to other premises, namely, hotels and clubs, we are not quite there at that figure of 12,000 and there is more work to be done. This perhaps also directly relates to another amendment or suite of amendments that is to be put to the house about what we have at the moment, which is unfortunately a trading system for gaming machine entitlements, which within it has an aim to remove the number of gaming machine entitlements in the system, if I can put it like that.
I think we can all admit that it has not been as successful as we would have hoped. It is almost to the point now where for the industry, let alone for the government of the day and the regulator, the current trading system that has been in place for several years now is not of use. There are other amendments that will enable the Attorney, the government and the commissioner to come up with a better and revised trading regime to try to give effect to this reduction target.
The Hon. V.A. CHAPMAN: It is the government's view that the processes outlined by the member for Lee be incorporated to ensure that there is a continued reduction in gaming machines. I am very lately advised that the process, whilst we agree in principle, is one that would frustrate some matters.
I place on the record this position: the current scheme of the limit of 13,081 machines is in our regulations. The AHA and the clubs currently have 12,660 of those, with the need to reduce by 660 down to 12,000. That is implicit in what is being proposed here. The problem is that the Casino currently has 1,081 machines operating but has an entitlement of 1,500 under their ALA. Whilst the ALA, entered into by the previous government with the Casino, overrides the regulations, apparently, I am very lately advised, that would be subservient, however, to a statutory change.
I want to make it clear that we have every intention of recognising the retention of the scheme and its objectives as set out in the proposed amendment of the member for Lee, but it appears on latest advice that actually is not possible. I had wondered whether we might be able to consider passing it with the view to perhaps changing the number in the other place; however, the practical problem is that it would create a difficulty. It may be that we need to incorporate this provision in a regulation.
We can do one of two things. The member can withdraw his amendment on the basis of what I have indicated. One alternate option presented is that we still have a statement of parliamentary intention, but the mover considers removing subsection (1), which incorporates the offending numbers, and we still progress subsections (2), (3), (4) and (5), but obviously renumbered. I am easy either way. I am just saying that if you want to have a statutory provision of the parliament's intent without subsection (1), we could do that today, I am advised. If we need to tidy that up further in some way, we can look at it alternatively, and we do not progress with that section at all but look to how it can be incorporated either by regulation or agreement.
The Hon. S.C. MULLIGHAN: The member for Bragg would be conversant with my unfailing willingness to assist the house in resolving these matters, particularly between the government and the opposition—and so my willingness continues in this regard. However, before we complete this—and this may be a matter about which the Attorney may like to seek some further information from her advisers—I would be willing to withdraw the detail within subsection (1), principally paragraphs (a) and (b), but would be grateful for some further advice from the Attorney as to whether the initial proposal, which was put by the opposition, of having the total number between the two, remains problematic or not or if there is some other number that would not cause us a disturbance between what we are trying to achieve here and what has been agreed with the Casino and the ALA.
The Hon. V.A. CHAPMAN: I am advised that in subsection (1), if that were to survive, of proposed section 27E, after the word 'State', it will read, 'It is Parliament's intention to reduce the number of gaming machines that may be operated in the State to 13,081,' and delete paragraphs (a) and (b) as proposed. I would be more than happy to support that.
The Hon. S.C. MULLIGHAN: Then I would be happy to see my amendment adjusted in those terms.
The CHAIR: So, by leave of the committee, you are moving your amendment in an amended form. You can talk us through how the amendment is now.
The Hon. S.C. MULLIGHAN: I move the amendment as amended as follows:
Amendment No 7 [Mullighan–1]—
Page 41, lines 22 to 32 [clause 93, inserted section 27E]—Delete inserted section 27E and substitute:
27E—Statement of Parliamentary intention to reduce gaming machine numbers etc—
which is the heading, and subsection (1) within that would now read:
(1) It is Parliament's intention to reduce the number of gaming machines that may be operated in the State to 13,081—
(the statutory objective).
(2) The Minister must cause a review to be undertaken of the operation of the approved trading system established under section 27B(2) with a view to determining how it should be modified in order to meet the statutory objective and a written report on the review to be prepared and submitted to the Minister.
(3) The review under subsection (2) must seek and consider written submissions from the holder of the casino licence, a body representative of licensees and Club One.
(4) The review and the report must be completed after the first but before the second anniversary of the day on which the Statutes Amendment (Gambling Regulation) Act 2019 is assented to by the Governor.
(5) The Minister must cause a copy of the report submitted under subsection (2) to be tabled in both Houses of Parliament within 12 sitting days after its submission.
Amendment thus carried; clause as amended passed.
Clause 94.
The Hon. S.C. MULLIGHAN: I move:
Amendment No 8 [Mullighan–1]—
Page 44, lines 15 to 17 [clause 94, inserted section 27H(3)(e)]—Delete 'but only such as to allow the amalgamated club to hold up to a maximum of 60 gaming machine entitlements'
Amendment No 9 [Mullighan–1]—
Page 44, lines 30 to 31 [clause 94, inserted section 27I(2)]—Delete ', but only such as to allow the transferee to hold up to a maximum of 60 gaming machine entitlements'
Amendment No 10 [Mullighan–1]—
Page 44, lines 35 to 37 [clause 94, inserted section 27I(3)]—Delete ', but only such as to allow the transferee to hold up to a maximum of 60 gaming machine entitlements'
Amendments carried; clause as amended passed.
Clauses 95 to 105 passed.
Clause 106.
The Hon. V.A. CHAPMAN: I move:
Amendment No 15 [AG–1]—
Page 47, after line 15—Before its present contents (now to be designated as subclause (2)) insert:
(1) Section 40(3)—delete '(and, in such a case, the machine and the other equipment will together constitute the approved gaming machine for the purposes of this Act)'
Amendment carried; clause as amended passed.
Clause 107.
The Hon. V.A. CHAPMAN: I move:
Amendment No 16 [AG–1]—
Page 48, lines 7 to 8 [clause 107, inserted section 40A(3)]—Delete subsection (3) and substitute:
(3) The Commissioner may—
(a) on the Commissioner's own initiative, by written notice to the system provider and a body representative of licensees; or
(b) on application by the system provider or a body representative of licensees,
vary or revoke an approval under this section.
Amendment No 17 [AG–1]—
Page 48, line 9 [clause 107, inserted section 40A(4)]—Delete 'revokes an approval under this section' and substitute 'varies or revokes an approval under subsection (3)(a)'
Amendment No 18 [AG–1]—
Page 48, line 11 [clause 107, inserted section 40A(4)(a)]—After 'proposed' insert 'variation or'
Amendment No 19 [AG–1]—
Page 48, line 18 [clause 107, inserted section 40A(5)(b)]—Before 'revokes' insert 'varies or'
Amendments carried.
The Hon. S.C. MULLIGHAN: I move a further amendment to clause 107:
Amendment No 11 [Mullighan–1]—
Page 49, after line 15—After inserted section 40C insert:
40D—Commissioner may approve facial recognition system
(1) The Commissioner may, on application by a person, approve a system to be operated by certain licensees that enables the facial image of a person who is about to enter a gaming area to be recognised, identified and recorded (a facial recognition system).
(2) The Commissioner must not approve a facial recognition system under this section unless the system complies with any applicable gambling administration guidelines or any requirements prescribed by the regulations.
(3) The Commissioner may—
(a) on the Commissioner's own initiative, by notice to a body representative of licensees and the facial recognition system provider; or
(b) on application by a body representative of licensees or the facial recognition system provider,
vary or revoke an approval under this section.
(4) Before the Commissioner varies or revokes an approval under subsection (3)(a), the Commissioner must—
(a) give notice in writing of the proposed variation or revocation to a body representative of licensees; and
(b) consider any representations made within 21 days after the notice is given or a longer period allowed in the notice.
Amendment carried; clause as amended passed.
Clauses 108 to 111 passed.
New Clause 111A.
The Hon. V.A. CHAPMAN: I move:
Amendment No 20 [AG–1]—
Page 49, after line 28—Insert:
111A—Amendment of section 44A—Prohibition of links between dealers and other licensees
(1) Section 44A(1)—delete 'A' and substitute:
Subject to subsection (1a), a
(2) Section 44A—after subsection (1) insert:
(1a) Despite subsection (1), a person may, at the 1 time—
(a) be the holder of both a gaming machine dealer's licence and a gaming machine service licence; or
(b) be the holder of a gaming machine dealer's licence and be associated with the holder of a gaming machine service licence; or
(c) be associated with both a gaming machine dealer and the holder of a gaming machine service licence.
New clause inserted.
Clauses 112 to 116 passed.
New clause 116A.
The Hon. S.C. MULLIGHAN: I move:
Amendment No 12 [Mullighan–1]—
Page 55, after line 24—Insert:
116A—Amendment of section 51B—Cash facilities limitations
(1) Section 51B(1)—delete subsection (1)
(2) Section 51B(2)—delete 'cash otherwise than in accordance with the limitations prescribed under subsection (1)' and substitute:
by means of any 1 cash facility, in a transaction or set of transactions on that cash facility, on any 1 debit or credit card within a 24 hour period, an amount of cash that exceeds the sum of $250
This amendment seeks to impose a further limit on the amount of cash which can be accessed by a person in a facility, particularly from EFTPOS facilities which currently do not have a limit whereas, as you may be aware, sir, ATMs do.
New clause inserted.
Clause 117.
The Hon. V.A. CHAPMAN: I move:
Amendment No 21 [AG–1]—
Page 56, after line 16—After subclause (1) insert:
(1a) Section 53A—after subsection (4) insert:
(4a) The holder of a gaming machine licence must not provide any gaming machine on the licensed premises that allows the operation of a game by insertion of a banknote if the cash value of the credit balance on the gaming machine is $100 or more.
Maximum penalty: $35,000.
This amendment will make provision for a new subparagraph (4a) in section 53A, which again relates to the operation of banknotes if the cash value of the credit balance of the gaming machine is $100 or more.
Amendment carried.
The Hon. S.C. MULLIGHAN: I move:
Amendment No 13 [Mullighan–1]—
Page 56, lines 17 to 24 [clause 117(2)]—Delete subclause (2) and substitute:
(2) Section 53A(5)—after 'banknote' insert:
of a denomination greater than $50
I rise to move amendment No. 13 in my name, which follows closely from the amendment the Attorney has just moved further to the use of banknotes in gaming machines and proposes a denomination limit of $50.
Amendment carried; clause as amended passed.
Clauses 118 to 122 passed.
New clause 122A.
The Hon. V.A. CHAPMAN: I move:
Amendment No 22 [AG–1]—
Page 58, after line 8—Insert:
122A—Amendment of section 72A—Gaming tax
Section 72A(4)(ba)—delete '$3.845 million' and substitute '$4.845 million'
This amendment inserts new clause 122A. I indicate that that will add an extra $1 million a year to the Gamblers Rehabilitation Fund.
New clause inserted.
Clauses 123 to 125 passed.
Clause 126.
The Hon. V.A. CHAPMAN: I move:
Amendment No 23 [AG–1]—
Page 59, line 20 [clause 126, inserted section 76AA(2)]—After 'jackpots' insert 'accumulated by playing the machine or game'
This adds the insertion of 'accumulated by playing the machine or game'.
Amendment carried; clause as amended passed.
Clauses 127 to 132 passed.
Clause 133.
The Hon. S.C. MULLIGHAN: I move:
Amendment No 14 [Mullighan–1]—
Page 60, after line 41—After subclause (2) insert:
(2a) Schedule 1—after paragraph (k) insert:
(ka) in the case of a licence authorising the operation of 30 or more gaming machines any 1 of which may be operated by the insertion of a banknote—
(i) that the licensee must, for the purposes of identifying barred persons who are about to enter a gaming area, operate a facial recognition system approved under section 40D in accordance with any requirements prescribed by the regulations; and
(ii) that the licensee must not allow a person to enter a gaming area unless the licensee has caused a record of the person's facial image to be made by means of a facial recognition system approved under section 40D in accordance with any requirements prescribed by the regulations; and
This amendment relates to the requirement of the operation of a facial recognition system in a gaming venue that has 30 or more gaming machines, any one of which may be operated by the use of a banknote.
Amendment carried; clause as amended passed.
Clauses 134 to 142 passed.
Schedule 1.
The Hon. V.A. CHAPMAN: I move:
Amendment No 24 [AG–1]—
Page 63, after line 4 [Schedule 1, clause 2]—After subclause (2) insert:
(2a) A person who was, immediately before the commencement of section 49 of this Act, approved by the Commissioner as a suitable person to work in sensitive positions or positions of responsibility of a particular class or particular classes under section 30 of the Casino Act 1997 will, on the commencement of section 49, be taken to have been notified to the Commissioner as a person employed or appointed as a special employee under section 29(1) of the Casino Act 1997.
This amendment inserts new subclause (2a) after subclause (2).
Amendment carried; schedule as amended passed.
Clause 93—reconsidered.
The Hon. S.C. MULLIGHAN: I suggest a further amendment to clause 93. At amended clause 93, we substituted section 27E, 'Statement of Parliamentary intention to reduce gaming machine numbers etc'. We had left the clause at subsection (1) with the wording:
It is Parliament's intention to reduce the number of gaming machines that may be operated in the State—
I had suggested to the house a figure after that statement. I now suggest that that figure not be recorded in the clause and, instead, the phrase 'to be prescribed by regulation' inserted.
The Hon. V.A. CHAPMAN: We agree to the words 'as prescribed in regulations' being included. That clause would still have '(the statutory objective)' at the end.
The Hon. S.C. MULLIGHAN: Yes. Perhaps one last clarification which I failed to seek: that subsections (2) to (5) inclusive remain as well?
The Hon. V.A. CHAPMAN: Yes.
The CHAIR: Member for Lee, we are getting quite a bit of ink on our paper. I wonder if you could write down what you intend to do. The committee will bear with you. Please write down your proposed amendment.
The Hon. S.C. MULLIGHAN: It has previously been mourned that my writing is close to illegible.
The CHAIR: It is probably better than the Clerk's, member for Lee.
The Hon. S.C. MULLIGHAN: I am advised that I inadvertently prescribed 36 tablets of Phenergan. What I attempted to say was:
(1) It is Parliament's intention to reduce the number of gaming machines that may be operated in the State—
(a) …to a number to be prescribed by regulation;
The CHAIR: The member for Lee is moving to amend the amended clause by deleting 'to a number not exceeding 1,081' and replacing it with 'to a number to be prescribed by regulation'.
Amendment carried; clause as further amended passed.
Title passed.
Bill reported with amendment.