House of Assembly: Wednesday, October 30, 2019


Planning and Design Code

1413 The Hon. A. PICCOLO (Light) (24 September 2019). Can you explain how the Campbelltown City Council Residential (Limited Scope) Development Plan Amendment has been designed to facilitate a transition to the planning and design code?

The Hon. S.K. KNOLL (Schubert—Minister for Transport, Infrastructure and Local Government, Minister for Planning): I have been advised the following—

This development plan amendment (DPA) has been prepared by the council to respond to the design quality and streetscape issue of infill development that has been assessed against council's recent policy amendments. The intent of the DPA has been carried through into the draft Planning and Design Code for consultation. The Planning and Design Code also builds on the council DPA to enable improved design and streetscape outcomes by providing requirements such as landscaped areas and tree planting, on-street parking, driveway width for narrow frontages and minimum internal garage dimensions.