House of Assembly: Tuesday, October 29, 2019


HomeStart Finance

1388 The Hon. A. PICCOLO (Light) (24 September 2019). Initially the eligibility criteria for HomeStart Finance's interest free deposit gap loan scheme will include borrowers with a net household income of up to $60,000 for couples and $52,000 for singles. Has modelling been conducted on the likely income spread of loan recipients, and if so, which income quintiles will loan recipients most prominently derive from?

The Hon. S.K. KNOLL (Schubert—Minister for Transport, Infrastructure and Local Government, Minister for Planning): I have been advised by HomeStart Finance:

Income eligibility limits for the deposit gap loan, which is being marketed as the Starter Loan, are based on factors including:

HomeStart's long experience working with low-moderate income households who aspire to buy their own home

The Wyatt loan program, which HomeStart has undertaken in partnership with The Wyatt Trust.

Housing market factors, including median house prices and price points available across various parts of South Australia.

It is expected that the actual average income for households receiving the Starter Loan will vary substantially by household type, location, and nature of property purchased, and that the average income will be less than the limits imposed.