House of Assembly: Thursday, September 26, 2019


Pedal Prix

Ms BEDFORD (Florey) (14:43): My question is to the Minister for Education. Can the minister inform the house of the benefits of the Pedal Prix to participating schools and students?

The Hon. J.A.W. GARDNER (Morialta—Minister for Education) (14:43): I thank the member for Florey for this question. I think it is an excellent opportunity to talk about the Pedal Prix, the human-powered vehicle race which for many, many years—I think decades, indeed—has been supporting South Australians, in particular, I think, South Australian students in not only an opportunity for health and exercise but also in STEM education. It is very valuable. There is a range of schools across South Australia that participate as school-based teams in the Pedal Prix. A number of them are supported financially by their schools but also some seek sponsorship from the community.

I have more than a sneaking suspicion that the member for Florey may herself have over the years contributed to teams such as The Heights School, I am guessing, and possibly Modbury High. There may well be others that the member for Florey has contributed to. As the schools engage with their local community, I think it also gives our students a great opportunity to engage in entrepreneurialism, fundraising and social benefit of a range of factors.

I have some evidence of this from not just the member for Florey's own personal support for some of the schools that are in and have been in her electorate but also from the member for Kavel, the member for Stuart and the member for Davenport, who were just telling me yesterday of the support they give to schools in their electorate who participate in the Pedal Prix. I know that the member for Hartley (the Speaker) and I have both over the years occasionally supported Norwood Morialta High School. Norwood Morialta, in this year's Pedal Prix, is one I am particularly proud to reflect on because, out of all the schools in South Australia, they were the third highest placing team, which we are very proud of in Morialta and Hartley and the Premier's electorate of Dunstan.

This year, the Pembroke School team was the leading school. The member for Florey's and the member for Newland's favoured team—Modbury High School—was the 15th highest placing school out of very many dozens of schools across South Australia. Mount Barker High School, the member for Kavel will be pleased to know, placed in the top 30 as well. All those other schools supported by members across this house did very well, but not as well as Norwood Morialta High School. It's important to know that.

I thank those members who support it and the businesses and communities who support it. The University of South Australia have done an enormous body of work over many years as the main sponsor and leader in this event. I am also advised, and I just note now, that the member for Florey's engagement has indeed extended further. I believe that about nine years ago she might have been waving the flag at the beginning of the race. It must have been very early in her parliamentary career. This is something I know the member for Florey has supported for a long time.

The government is very pleased that our schools continue to engage with it. The way that it builds STEM skills and community engagement, helping teams that are designing their own vehicle, is something that can be well built into the curriculum, helping in science, technology, engineering and maths. I commend all the students, all the teachers and all the sponsors who have been involved in Pedal Prix this year and over the decades of its existence.