House of Assembly: Thursday, July 04, 2019


Public Transport Privatisation

The Hon. A. KOUTSANTONIS (West Torrens) (14:41): My question is to the Minister for Transport and Infrastructure. Can the minister assure the house that all DPTI staff currently working on our rail, tram and train network, transferring over to a successful private tenderer, will maintain all of their continuity of service entitlements, such as pro rata and long service leave?

The Hon. S.K. KNOLL (Schubert—Minister for Transport, Infrastructure and Local Government, Minister for Planning) (14:41): Again, the answer will be the same as two questions ago, in that there are existing enterprise bargaining arrangements in place and those will be complied with in full. Where there is any ambiguity, again that is something that will be worked through going forward.

An honourable member interjecting:

The SPEAKER: Order!

The Hon. S.K. KNOLL: But, again, there are existing arrangements in place. They are the arrangements that will dictate how it is that the relationship with employees and the department essentially is undertaken going forward.