House of Assembly: Thursday, May 16, 2019


Public Works Committee: Mount Gambier Airport Redevelopment Project

Mr CREGAN (Kavel) (11:53): I move:

That the 16th report of the committee for the Fifty-Fourth Parliament, entitled Mount Gambier Airport Redevelopment Project, be noted.

Mount Gambier Airport is a major regional airport for people travelling to the region for business or tourism purposes and for air freight logistics. The airport services a catchment of approximately 150 kilometres and serves a population of over 80,000 people. The committee heard that the airport currently has operational limitations due to the length of the runway, which limits the types of aircraft that can use the airport.

The proposed airport redevelopment will provide critical air transport infrastructure, upgrade and extend the airport's capacity to cater for larger aircraft and facilitate air freight logistics. Key features of the redevelopment include lengthening the main runway, with grooving for increased safety and jet aircraft capability; a new heavy aircraft and fire bomber apron area; an upgrade to the terminal building; and a covered passenger drop-off zone.

The airport redevelopment will be delivered by the District Council of Grant and is funded by the Australian and South Australian governments, the District Council of Grant and the City of Mount Gambier. The estimated total cost of the project is $9.2 million. Construction of the works is expected to be completed by late 2020 with operation from 2021 onwards.

The Public Works Committee has examined written and oral evidence in relation to this project and the committee has been assured by officials from the Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure that acquittals have been received from the Department of Treasury and Finance, the Department of the Premier and Cabinet and the Crown Solicitor that the works and procedures are lawful. The committee heard evidence from the member for Mount Gambier and the member for MacKillop, as well as Mount Gambier Airport manager, Ian Fritsch, and District Council of Grant Economic Development Adviser, Mike Ryan. The committee would like thank these witnesses for their very helpful evidence.

The committee is satisfied that the proposal has been subject to the appropriate agency consultation and meets the criteria for examination of projects as described in the Parliamentary Committees Act 1991. Based on the evidence considered and pursuant to section 12C of the Parliamentary Committees Act 1991, the Public Works Committee reports to parliament that it recommends the proposed public works.

Motion carried.